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Posts posted by Mykill

  1. Anxious to hear about the Airborne too. That will be my next bike I think, I almost bought one then the LBS made me a great deal on my GT.

    Gonna hit Alum in tomorrow if it dries out (and it should). I need to build some offroad endurance, I've been a lazy ass this winter.

    P2 is good. P1 might be iffy. What time you going? I was going to ride in the AM.

  2. P1 is considered the Int trail and P2 is the advanced. I think P2 is only advanced because it has more obstacles and some off camber trial. I dont think its "advanced" but I dont have a lot of experience to compare against. I like P1 better as I find it to be more fun.

    P1 was muddy today.

    Parks I may tag along with you depending on when you go.

  3. Craig and MyKill, I say you guys hop on the train in Akron with your bikes, head up to Cleveland and then I can ride down to Akron with you guys. Then I'll get my sorry self on the train in Akron and take it back to Cleveland.

    I have no idea what your talking about but sounds like fun.

    Mohican this weekend...not sure which day but leaning towards sunday. Wheels in motion at sun up...2 loops is the goal.

    Your insane. Let me know if you ever ride either of the Alums. Id like to try and keep up and learn some things.

  4. awesome i will update names on the first thread,

    Hutch and Mykill should form a lead sweep combo for med-fast group since they been riding together for a while now.

    Ill help however I can. I need to get used to the new bike first since I havent had a chance to ride it. I might try the route Sunday.

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