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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Sv650 or since you said 750.... http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=99588 that is super clean.
  2. My weekend off. Ill be there assuming I have a bike
  3. 6'4" 240 and I have an A* 48/58. Its tight with with a back protector in the chest. Legs are fine probably a little loose in the thighs though.
  4. Mykill

    2008 CBR600rr

    Prolly to expensive but i would take hoblicks generation if i could affird it. Looking around 5k.
  5. I wish I wouldve had the money sooner. If the buyer backs out he is going to get ahold of me.
  6. Mykill

    2008 CBR600rr

    Thanks. I want to try a sport touring bike so looking for VFR but open to almost anything. If I dont like it then back back to a RR (kept my corbin and track plastics).
  7. Ive been in contact with him. The buyer is supposed to be picking it up next Saturday.
  8. Good stuff. I owe you a beer at the Gap for working to keep the pup instead of taking the easy way out.
  9. Looks like they are worth a shot. The carbon designs are appealing.
  10. Just finished the book the other day. Amazing story with an unfortunate ending. It was weird reading the book knowing what had happened. RIP.
  11. my two favorites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sZzPkFUZyc&list=FLfPX8NEM1qgfPjhRZ5HlZ_Q&index=4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_DSavn6SJA&list=FLfPX8NEM1qgfPjhRZ5HlZ_Q&index=5
  12. I want to ge to WV this year IP. Id be good for a weekend trip or something similar.
  13. Im in for 5/4 weekend but working 4/27 weekend.
  14. Mykill

    Beer Pics

    All these were amazing. Some of the best I've had.
  15. I like dragons milk and vanilla porter so ???? Summer shandy not so much. However Hoppin Frog Turbo Shandy is fantastic.
  16. I got mine weighed at a truck stop.
  17. Not my cabin blitz but we are full. Danimal, I'm sure I can find a way to open it
  18. Danimal I may be interested in tagging along with you on the way down. Interested in some details.
  19. Good for you making the change. Good luck with the move.
  20. I agree with this and I used a credit union.
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