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Posts posted by Mykill

  1. How many more times can they race a car and a bike. Seems to always have the same outcome. Don't get me wrong though both are very impressive machines, but I'm just over the whole "who will beat who, 4 wheels or 2" races.

    Maybe because it is entertaining and people like seeing two impressive machines trying to outperform one another :confused:

  2. Are we talking lyrics or vocals alone?

    My vote still goes to the thread starter. The fact is he can scream with the best of them and sing with anyone mentioned in this thread whereas those mentioned cannot scream and therefor do not match the vocal capabilities of Corey.

    Im not a Slipknot or a Stone Sour fanboy but the guy has talent.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I met you last weekend & you're out riding with the Doc already, way to jump right in. Do not believe anything bad he has to say about me.

    Oh yeah, motorcycle riding is dangerous.

    Kind of reminds me of Georgia coming over the hill with the lady making a left.

    Good job keeping your composure doc. I guess you are a ninja. :D

  4. I'm too lazy too find the actual quote or propely attribute it, but the gist is that Democracy always fails once people realize that they can vote for the government to give them things.

    It's the beginning of the end of democracy. Not the end of America, but certainly a transition. Candidates are winning by promising to take care of us, and for whatever misguided reason, many Americans are viewing that as a good thing. What I think they fail to fully understand is that, on a scale of 1-10, the government can only provide us with a "3 or 4" level of existence, but we're all free to achieve a 10 on our own.

    Things start to look a lot like communism when the government is providing for everyone. Everyone will be more equal. Equally poor. yay?

    It's the under 30 (millennials),women, and minority voters. The millennial generation is going to screw up everything because they don't want to work hard and are used to everything handed to them. Of course touring around with Jay Z doesn't hurt. I don't think people want to make their own decisions anymore.

    I'm not looking forward to the next four years.

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