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Posts posted by Mykill

  1. I love my plasma and think it looks better than any LCD or LED I have seen lately. They all look fake and do not have smooth pictures but I havent looked at a higher end one in awhile either so....

    Cant go wrong with either really.

  2. Welcome to the best type of beer :D Fatheads is one of the better ipa's. I would suggest brew kettle white rajah, ballast point sculpin ipa, DFH 75 minute

    And burton baton (oak aged), Stone ruination ipa (might be to bitter for you), stone ipa, Columbus Brewing Ipa. Should be some good ones for you to look for. White rajah has a nice taste along the ones you like and is one of my favorites.

  3. It doesn't have to be new or the latest model (read: I'm cheap and not sure if she will follow through on said hobby) but prefer it come with original box and manuals for her

    I was basing my recommendation off this statement :D The 3100 is better than the d40/d50 and others mentioned and is a beginner DSLR. The current Nikon lineup is awesome as is Canons. You should be able to find a good deal on a 3100. I would go with it for sure.

  4. Might be 374-664-56-691-Nelsonville then from there idk Maby time check. I gotta go around 2-3. Any one that keeps going can hit 78 or the route to old mans cave then hit 374 or 664-56 again?

    I sent map version to hoblick it wont let me post it for sum reason.

    time estimate on how long it will take to reach nelsonville?

  5. When his daughter was laying on him I was hoping she wouldn't bet, but when that preggo bitch at at end was giving him CPR I had the same exact though. I'm kind of hoping her babie eats her from the inside out next episode otherwise I have a feeling her baby is going to end up like that one chicks baby from dawn of the dead(or whichever zombie flick too place in the mall)

    Thats twilight...... your getting your shit confused bro!

  6. I have a D40 and it does everything I need it to. The D50 that bam bam recommended can be had for dirt cheap now a days and is a great camera as well. The good thing about those two cameras is they are easy to learn on and make the transition from P&S to DSLR easier I think... A how to book or video might be a nice addition to the camera to help her understand aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. and how it relates to the final product.

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