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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Ok. That will give us plenty of time to get your bike loaded before Madcat gets off work so take your time.
  2. Blue what time you estimating being at my place?
  3. Your a better than you give yourself credit for. Who is leading our bunch anyways? IP? Its coming up quick and I cant wait. oh and I meant hang drinking wise
  4. I really hope so. Ill be buying some beers at the Gap for ya if its everything you say... If you can hang that is
  5. Right! its been 3 days... .... longer than normal. Hoping I hear back today.
  6. You figured it out because you dont just regurgitate shit you read/heard somewhere like he does. My damn VFR guy takes forever to respond....
  7. ^ Your quote was copyrighted....you should probably have a reference page.
  8. I played football with Seth. He actually showed me around Musk. when I came up for my visit. This is great!
  9. Did you really just reword what I said earlier?
  10. Put that over your bed not those "iffy" paintings.
  11. This. I thought Int was passing inside or outside.... and....go with 96k!
  12. I think the power will be sufficient. I have wanted one for awhile and getting a good deal to try it out. If its not what I wanted then onto something else but as long as the handling is ok then It should be fine. Ill still have the RR when needed
  13. ^ agreed. We'll see how it plays out. Regardless, there are worse things I could be doing than spending my time at the track. As long as we can pass then hopefully its not too bad.
  14. I rescheduled my track day at mid o last year 3 times. If you wait to long they will charge you like $25. Take Jason's advice and call ASAP and reschedule the day.
  15. I wish you could too. Then my "exit only" tattoo would've done its job.
  16. Ya.....you did should have it in a few weeks if everything goes as planned. I dont know about taking it to Deals Gap yet...Ill have to get some serious seat time on it to see what its got beforehand to see what its got.
  17. twist of the wrist 2 is a solid book/video combo that you should read so you dont newbsauce the road further.
  18. Track is gonna be more packed than craigs ass at motoseries. : /
  19. Great video Doc Love that color! Might be my fav VFR color.
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