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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Both sold. I'm assuming he's making fun of bad for thinking he would actually finish the project.....
  2. How about another scavenger hunt type thing since I missed the one last year?
  3. Happy Easter Weekend Everybody!
  4. Well every class is filled to capacity. Gonna be a busy track. Hopefully I can pass some noobs....Going to be a huge change from Jennings!
  5. I've been pulled over by a park ranger and given a speeding ticket. Thats all.
  6. Nobody reads your posts.
  7. Exo 1100 is supposed to be designed for a more upright riding postion or touring kind of helmet. Way more comfy than the Shoei's I tried on. RD has great pricing but schemes kind of suck.
  8. Sorry to hear Joe. Hes in a better place. R.I.P.
  9. No video!?!? Little disappointed Doc... Glad your enjoying it. Same reasons you bought it are the same Ive been wanting one.
  10. I can't wait. Hopefully he can help us out. I know I could use some pointers on things to work on.
  11. Go pro has helped me. I can hear when I'm slowing down to soon or not getting in the gas soon enough. I actually can't wait to get back to Nelson to see what kind of time I can run. Craig are you running A at Putnam or I?
  12. Thanks for posting these. It's the only way I know to DVR them.
  13. I will his dad but Andy will be in race school. My problem finding someone to follow/tow me is they can't fly
  14. Hopefully I can afford to do the track days I want. I ask Cox stupid questions all the time and he's helped me a lot. I haven't really had anyone to tow me or show me lines in my now 5 TDs. I feel I'm doing ok but could benefit from some one on one. Im hoping to break into A group this year too. I need to work on some things before that though. Hoping John and I can have some fun at Putnam and maybe get some tows later from some of the faster guys.
  15. Congrats. Wish I would've had the money.
  16. Well coming from England I would recommend a Bersa .380 concealed in a jock strap. You did just open a can of worms though.... I would recommend XD, XDM, M&P, or Glock. These are what I tell everyone if they ask me. They are the best for the price. Compact or Full size doesnt matter and whatever you like best. Good for you for wanting to buy something to keep. I would spend the money now and get something you will keep. Its worth it and dont cheap out. I would get a 9mm as its cheaper to shoot and first gun = wanting to shoot. Oh Good Luck and have fun. I love gun shopping!
  17. Actually, its a difficult "market" because of all of the people who lost their jobs and went back to school. I know many people who went into a medical field to get a "stable" job. Also many nurses came out of retirement when their husbands lost their jobs or went to school for the same reason. There is also many people staying in the field longer than they would have because they lost to much of their retirement in the stock market or are still unsure of things and trying to wait it out. Sure, OSU is a good medical school but you really think everyone who graduates from there stays? Many factors play into the healthcare job market. You heard from who that its extremely easy to get jobs in other states? Ive heard/know otherwise. Ohio has a great job market for healthcare especially Central Ohio which is going to expand further in the next few years with Children's, St. Anns, and OSU. So dont run your mouth here about stuff you "heard" when you have zero actual knowledge. Lot of people here who are knowledgable about a lot of things who will call you on your bullshit FYI
  18. You get this off the guy in Dover?
  19. The times in this thread makes me want to quit lol
  20. If it makes her feel better I'm starting my third night of working 14 out of the next 16.... All 12:30 hour shifts and no overtime lol too many jobs But congrats! Hope she likes it. Awesome she's motivated.
  21. Everyone is being nice....kind of disappointed... and what Jbot said.
  22. Well since Twizted cant make a video I figure Ill post one.... Heres Madcat, Dubguy and me as cameraguy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L4ZYY2gvtw&list=UUfPX8NEM1qgfPjhRZ5HlZ_Q&index=1&feature=plcp
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