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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. Take speedy up on his offer. He can show you the ropes and help you with shooting different guns/his. Try as many as you can. If you getting it for concealed look at compacts and guns designed for conceal. M&p,XD sc, or a Glock cant go wrong.
  2. Im seriously thinking about taking an extra day or two and riding down. Been wanted to take a bike trip and see what its like. Good opportunity if some more experienced ones are riding down.
  3. Love it. Congrats on the bike. See you at Nelsons in April
  4. Awesome. Thanks for doing this. Now hopefully I have the time.
  5. Got my boots today too. Also great communication from Nate regarding the rest of my order. A+ from me as well.
  6. Busy week, that makes the FZ1 people, R6 Forum, AFJ/LSB, and the national SV rally.... Most importantly OR
  7. Hmmm....I was gonna get a Harbor Freight one in the future but those look pretty good...spent to much money this month already.
  8. Post them I need some new ones.
  9. Cabot trail looks amazing from photos. Welcome.
  10. Definitely a good option. I think they were talking about extending it to two days on the way down though...
  11. Here is the rough estimate of Tonic's suggested route down....Obviously can change the freeway part... Still debating on if I want to but mapped it out to look. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=columbus&daddr=Charleston,+WV+to:38.09264,-81.60439+to:37.87539,-81.49882+to:37.56984,-81.45538+to:37.47159,-81.54174+to:37.3523529,-81.6647418+to:marion,+va+to:bristol,+va+to:36.4885,-81.85624+to:36.24407,-81.76669+to:36.2141569,-81.6752528+to:36.133444,-81.742952+to:36.104081,-81.782118+to:36.05032,-81.85808+to:36.01709,-81.88121+to:35.9623818,-81.9537669+to:35.827726,-82.126224+to:35.7381626,-82.1903147+to:35.71729,-82.27903+to:35.4763231,-83.1393693+to:Fontana+Dam,+NC&hl=en&ll=36.241659,-80.609901&spn=4.562348,9.876709&sll=35.273249,-82.845619&sspn=1.154784,2.469177&geocode=FVjCYQId9okN-ylx3pC5wYk4iDEztbHP-GYy5A%3BFfsrSQIdkWIi-yk5XRSIzixPiDELG8kER6hhdg%3BFWA_RQId2tAi-yk9xgac_SNPiDHdX0Quvbaybw%3BFb7uQQIdPG0k-ykViH1ejuJOiDHIMIZAfFryeA%3BFTBFPQId7BYl-yl7X7AGk1NOiDHfVRxS97WxQw%3BFWbFOwIdlMUj-ynNm2dd5rJPiDHlxmJ3Nke-ag%3BFaDzOQIdG-Uh-ykV8-I127dPiDHzZPw5skk8Wg%3BFRYOMgIdqy4k-ynj1nNxTS1QiDEqAEKohIGm0A%3BFQ9rLgIdTecZ-ylZYoKoYgxQiDHx29dIecaX_Q%3BFTTFLAIdEPke-yn3AxgHW11QiDGV1hIygLRszQ%3BFWYKKQId3lYg-ykVbKADsvZQiDHOkUH0u-nvoQ%3BFYyVKAIdDLwh-ymTM1-BE_pQiDEpvoP2o9nRAw%3BFURaJwIdmLMg-ymrpMLYNu5QiDH20JPrr2wjHg%3BFZHnJgIdmhog-ykj2sIZKexQiDHWTw-emivcxw%3BFZAVJgId4PEe-ynP0PrON-tQiDEI96n7uWEZ4w%3BFcKTJQIdhpce-ynxg-32L5VQiDFO2_cXdsFgcw%3BFQ2-JAIdGnwd-ylbuWYW2L1QiDHWBr3fTN3uXg%3BFQ6wIgIdcNoa-yllYo9Pq6hQiDHB004jeWwi6Q%3BFTJSIQIdFuAZ-yk1kbfdIqpQiDF4_CItkfgmmg%3BFaoAIQIdioUY-ymDF2aICwFaiDGeNIMi9MgApA%3BFWNTHQId12QL-yltPf2Rlm5ZiDFjcmJtDPTWvw%3BFeH1HAIdljwB-ym9jmZ1ALleiDGnXh_XFZ_CRg&oq=fontan&vpsrc=6&t=v&mra=mrv&via=2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20&z=7
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUcY2O0eWd4 Thought this one was neat.
  13. Good work...its like a new bike. Itll be interesting to see how that seat turns out for you.
  14. price on 08 600rr predrilled Thanks
  15. Vortex! They are adjustable.
  16. Mykill

    X box live ?

    I like the older Ghost Recons and hopefully this one is good. Seems most games today promote camping with the way they are designed.
  17. Mykill

    X box live ?

    MW3 is stupid fast and can be insanely frustrating. No good shooters anymore.
  18. My GF and I went down last year by ourselves and it was a great time. Although, the whole time I was really itching to push it. My last run on the dragon I passed about 6 bikes
  19. Did you mean 05-06? I was only posting what I was told. I never test fitted them. If you remove the ram air tubes why would you need to dremel?
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