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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. She learned an important lesson, what happens if she does leave the kitchen.
  2. Its really not that great of a deal. Its actually a little overpriced IMO... Justalump, How are you bored with the Triumph? Dragging "peg" entering on ramps isnt doing it for you anymore
  3. it's easy for you without the 45 min 40 degree slab.
  4. No sleep and long night = I'm out. Ride safe guys
  5. Do the turn signals have everything needed to install? If so Ill take them.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opxznw2ueB8 Anymore Hutch stunting on this ride?
  7. If they leave me alone at work and I can get a nap in I'll be there for sure. Ill have to see how I feel if not.
  8. Hell it's gonna be a cold ride
  9. +1 I worked the night before and got mine done in the morning at 9ish was home in bed at 11 and woke up at 8 that night. I slept through the painful part when the numbing drops are wearing off. For me it was about as painful as having a dry contact in.
  10. What time you guys thinking?
  11. Yes and go home and sleep immediately (atleast 4 hours). Wake up and eye drops non stop.
  12. I lost mine in my back pocket about 40 days ago and had to pick up the remains in the morning. Zipper jacket pocket recommended.
  13. Is this holster related at all (aka get a OWB) or more technique driven?
  14. Cheshire choppers... Can't really recommend them since i had a bad experience.
  15. http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=668295 ^ Thats a good read and they 2 up'd on the Wee
  16. So when's the brew day? I wouldn't mind watching one since Ive been debating on trying this.
  17. Ive been getting sport rider and never subscribed
  18. Mykill

    Test rides

    I work both Sat and Sun nights so Sunday is prime sleeping time but I should be able to make myself free. PM info and I'll do my best.
  19. Mykill

    Test rides

    If I am free I will meet the guy with you so your not alone especially if its walking distance I wont buy a bike I cant test ride. I have test ridden 2 without even have cash in hand and drove to both. Guess I have a honest face.
  20. Wireless.....Will a N router boost my DL speed ?
  21. So you 3 times and another guy once I would love to see MS at Mid-O. I have my own transportation to the track now so Ill hopefully hit race school this year if all goes well.
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