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Everything posted by Mykill

  1. I saw a couple 06 650r's for 2,200-2,000 last winter. Just be patient.
  2. Im jealous. Hopefully I can make it down there next year with some fellow riders
  3. 650r or youll be in the same situation that you are now not long afterwards.
  4. heres youtube link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=429TTi2QlFA
  5. Live to Ride, Ride to Live BROTHER! Doc, I have a GoPro HD you can use for additional angles assuming its on a date I can make it.
  6. I'm good the 24 or 25. That's my weekend off so if it's one of those count me in.
  7. Mykill

    I'm Engaged!

    Congrats! You did what I can't seem to.
  8. Mykill

    blacklick SV

    I love the streetfighter SV's and looks like you did all the good mods as well. Nice bike.
  9. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=82280
  10. Yes, but if everything stayed the same nothing would change argument back at you. I like them now that I understand them
  11. Don't hate them. Props for trying something different.
  12. If your not going to work to get into the school are you going to do the work in school? what is your major? I highly recommend Franklin. Cscc is good as well but not as flexible. I'd stay away from phoenix.
  13. Glad your ok. Hopefully you can get the bike together quick.
  14. I have a set of 03-04 hotbodies. I'll know soon if I can sell them. They are in great shape and unpainted.
  15. http://motoseries.com/trackday_info.htm Your bike is fine just need to tape the lights and remove or tape the mirrors. Takes 10 minutes. You can usually find cheap gear on here, wera, nesba, or call up riders discount.
  16. Track community is insanely friendly so any questions everyone will be more than happy to help. No bike rentals with motoseries and the way I understand it is you pay for any damage if you go down but it's at a "discounted" rate. The novice track day is seriously for any type of rider. They will put in a group where you feel the pace is comfortable. You work on drills for throttle Control, braking, lines, body position and motoseries has a few OR guys who instruct ride so hooking up with them is easy. I'm sure you could ride share with someone if needed. Also twist of the wrist 1 or 2 like lost said. if you can find it online or store is very helpful too. I think i have a copy on my computer Still.....
  17. +15 million Your in Youngstown so maybe go to Nelson with motoseries which is a good group too. I'm such a better rider after 3 trackdays it's stupid.
  18. Mykill

    blacklick SV

    Welcome. Pics of bike please
  19. What does plates run on a trailer?
  20. Not thrilled with my team but could be worse I guess.
  21. I request the 30 off so Ill be there for that and if I am off the 1st Ill be staying for that as well
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