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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. ive got the JR manta bag but i wanbt the bigger one http://www.joerocket.com/catalog/index.cfm/251/219/Luggage/Manta_XL_Tank_Bag
  2. ^^^what the friendly ghost said^^^
  3. i pay $147 a yr for 2 bikes and 2 quads comp with 2 riders, but mine are a bit older
  4. ill post this here too ....... Giving it some more thought and if you guys are going to leave at the butt crack of dawn like you say you are, maybe traveling with the group will be more fun. So as of now you guys have 3 rigs in the caravan(Carwhore, CMH_S, MT)correct. So if any of you have a set in stone leaving time and meet place let me know. From the sound of it Jagr wasnt fond of my idea anyway, and habi i dont think really cares either way, and josh is just a newb poser and will do what we say anyways:lol: Hey Sorethumb1969, even if you do this you will have to leave you hood, VERY F'N early.
  5. it was the linkage damn it...and i handled that like a BOSS!!
  6. Giving it some more thought and if you guys are going to leave at the butt crack of dawn like you say you are, maybe traveling with the group will be more fun. So as of now you guys have 3 rigs in the caravan(Carwhore, CMH_S, MT)correct. So if any of you have a set in stone leaving time and meet place let me know. From the sound of it Jagr wasnt fond of my idea anyway, and habi i dont think really cares either way, and josh is just a newb poser and will do what we say anyways:lol: Hey Sorethumb1969, even if you do this you will have to leave you hood, VERY F'N early.
  7. dude you can damn near get a six pack in that trunk with the hump on it..
  8. i was accually going to give them a little credit, till i heard about the waitress running her mouth
  9. We stopped in the store to get a few things...be there in about 20 to30
  10. Each coupon is good for up to 3 of them..I found 2 coupons if u need one too jhon
  11. I just looked in my may copy of sport rider there is one in it. You going to this meet tonight I can bring it. I'm accually going to HF too to pick up a inverter
  12. Im going to talk to jagr and habi tonight at the meet/greet to find out what time and where they live to pick them up. Then we can arange a meeting spot and time to caravan if you still wanna do that.
  13. Does kinda burn my ass when people bail out the last min. on stuff like this. I mean if you have good reason such as CW i can see it, but when you just flat out bail it's BS. That why i never say im 100% in on somthing unless i know i am.
  14. I had that incredible 2 for about 2 months I hated that thing..I convinced my mom to trade me even up for this droid 3
  15. I just stole one from my mom..lol..too much phone for her
  16. no IN the trailer on top of jagr's bike would be FTW!!!!
  17. Got my pants today and they look and fit good.The thermo line was more than i thought it would be, they would be good for 20deg mornings if needed. They feel a bit heavy with both liners in but 90% of the time they wont be. Now i just have to have somone change the zipper to the jacket out so it matches the pants. If i can find a place for my air pump both jacket and pant rain liners will fit in my rear trunk storage area so that is a plus too. Ill try them out saturday when i ride to hob's for my tires.
  18. 2talltim


    Welcome, there are quite a few stromers on here
  19. ill +1 the Mommoth Cave idea, my kids loved it a couple years ago. i think we r going again this summer
  20. I can always throw in the third row seats in the tahoe if somebody needs a place for their butt, but there's not a lot of leg room back there and I have no more trailers space
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