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Everything posted by 2talltim

  1. you should sell them your lc9 and tell them they have to go pick it up:lol:
  2. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=828407&postcount=2 Famous last words!
  3. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=828407&postcount=2 Famous last words!
  4. Yes and no...will be a $350 shift, can't pass it up
  5. If my Saturday over time gets canceled ill be down, but I really don't see that happening.
  6. I gotta work 12hr Saturday so looks like no go for me this weekend
  7. How-D!!!...ryan will get you hooked up foshow
  8. I didn't see any ip stickers but if you can spot any OR nuts in this weeks killboy hilight page..... http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151043493498140.492758.211220253139&type=1
  9. You get ask a simple question and think your getting called out and put up a big front and get all defencive, ill let others draw their own conclusions on this one. But honestly I was hoping the reply was going to be " everything worked out and I don't need to sell now" but I guess if you wanna think I'm a big dick for asking more power to you. You decided to stomp on one of the most unjudgemental person on here, bridge is burnt have a nice life. Hope your mother gets better soon and good luck with the sale of your unicycle.
  10. What happend to sellin the cafe because you needed money?
  11. Told someone to merge 5 min after I posted...damn mods ...
  12. odd seeing a HD in the rain period...now they need to repolish all that chrome
  13. NICE!! for a Ferd:D
  14. you take all the fun out of everything:nono:
  15. not really, i think another few days down there i could get that last 1/8" chicken strip off
  16. i think my the end of the weekend i got back to riding staus i was before i hit the dog. Ill have to admit when that happend it slowed me down ALOT
  17. dont make i sound good for them.. I pulled over and LET THEM PASS:D
  18. think i only crossed the yellow 2 or 3 times on my way in and out, i was rather impressed with myself
  19. im waiting for josh's so i can see my fat ass chicken shiting into the corners
  20. i went to bed at about 10p last night and slept till noon..im almost recovered
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