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Posts posted by Sen10nalz

  1. I just realized you would have had to order 96 OhioRiders decals to hit $48 in shipping. That's a little much for one person :wtf:

    lol no. i ordered 2 of each which amounted to $2.00 shipping. I ordered 9 of those website decals which were $1.99, but shipping was fixed at 4+ dollars each.

  2. Oh man, I just did the same thing ... I slid on gravel this past sunday going 15MPH on a right turn in a residential area. I saw the gravel and the construction sign. I looked at my friend and his bike ahead of me and thinking he needs to watch out for that.. The whole day i was riding behind my buddy who is just learning how to ride. Kept giving him tips and ended up being the one the blew it. Fortunately only my frame slider was damaged. and my right leg is still aching from trying to save the ninja from tipping.

  3. i just tried to order a couple OR decals and Watch for bikes decals. I also added some custom decals with different font options. However by ordering multiple decals, shipping is showing $48 for a $17 dollar order. Do you do combined shipping?

  4. Confusion... Shell Rotella has dropped the JASO-MA specifications from their website for Rotella T3 and Rotella T6. It now shows JASO-MA for "Rotella T Triple Protection". I won't be using Rotella any more, not if they can't make up their minds...

    edit: HA!, I just looked, it was actually the Rotella T Triple Protection that I bought. It was the only Rotella that had the JASO-MA in the Walmart. Still not impressed that the website said T3 and T6 and then changed it. Pardon me while I go drain that crap.

    My jug of Rotella T6 shows JASO-MA on the back of the label. Not sure why the website doesn't say it, but the jugs do.

  5. Why would you want an OS on it that crashes, freezes, randomly shuts off, sends texts to the wrong people, etc....... ?????

    HAHA, i have the HTC EVO, and it did send text to the wrong people quite often.. but it was still a good phone overall. downloading a text app solved that though.


    Just pre-ordered the 4s on sprint as well.

  6. Damnit.. lol..

    I lost my wallet, and it was in there. but I still had my bike temps at home. So much for saving a couple bucks. I was gonna renew my L's anyways so i waited.

    I guess i'll go schedule a test.

    I did very well on the class. Had a blast on the 200's they let you use. We had a lady break her wrist the first day. somehow she managed to pop up the 250 shadow.

  7. Ok guys and gals.. I took the class earlier this year. However i never bothered to go in and officially add the endorsement to my license. I tried to do so this week. However the DMV says they have to record of it. I no longer have the confirmation card they give you.

    So ?..

    Does anyone know if it expires after a certain amount of time. Would i have to take the class again?

    I couldn't reach them at the number. and On the website, there's no more classes this year in frankling county.


  8. first of all, unless the clip you posted starts before the other one, there is ZERO proof or indication that the guy in the suit was driving the car.

    second, even if he was, you weren't there and don't know what happened.

    The guy might be a dick, or he might be in shock. Or he might be def and not be great at communicating with the people trying to help. Or he might be scared shitless that the crowd of people rushing to help is going to turn on him the second the rider is out of danger.

    the video doesn't tell you what's going through that guy's brain. put the torches down.

    Driver or not, he's that close to it, and not even putting an attempt. if he's the driver, fine, he's in shock. If he isn't, its worst. I'll run up to an accident and watch you burn to death.

    Same as the drivers that slow down and cause traffic to watch an accident or someone in need but not do a damn thing to help..

    this is all, IMO.. of course.

  9. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2011/09/utah-motorcyclist-pulled-from-under-burning-car-by-bystanders/

    A 21-year-old Utah man pulled from beneath a burning car by bystanders is out of surgery and expected to fully recover, his family confirmed to ABC News.

    Brandon Wright was driving his motorcycle just outside the Utah State University campus in Logan, Utah, around noon on Monday when a black BMW pulled out in front of him, forcing him to lay down his bike to avoid a crash, Logan police told Salt Lake City’s ABC 4.

    Wright’s bike slammed into the car and caught fire while he slid under the vehicle and became trapped.

    Flames shot in the air as bystanders flooded 911 with calls.

    “Looks like someone might be under the vehicle. Cars are burning. You better send somebody out here,” the caller said, according to tape played on ABC 4.

    Despite the dangers posed by the fire – “I think it’s going to go right now,” one caller said to 911 dispatch — a dozen construction workers working at a nearby site on the Utah State campus and other students and bystanders rushed to the burning car to help.

    In dramatic video, a nearby camera captured the bystanders lifting the burning sedan off the ground and pulling Wright’s limp body to safety, all before firefighters arrived.

    “I was afraid. It was very close the fire. It was a very tall fire,” Anvar Suyundikov, one of the bystanders who helped pull Wright from the flames, told ABC4.

    Meanwhile, police officers and bystanders grabbed fire extinguishers from nearby buildings to help extinguish the flames.

    “I’m impressed. I’m impressed that that many people would get involved especially when there’s fire involved,” Assistant Logan Police Chief Jeff Curtis told ABC 4.

    Firefighters were able to extinguish the flames, while Wright was flown by helicopter to nearby Intermountain Medical Center in critical condition.

    “I saw a lot of blood, especially close to the head,” Suyundikov recalled to ABC 4, of Wright’s condition immediately after the rescue. “Before I pulled he wasn’t breathing, and when I pulled, he started to breathe.”

    Wright’s mother and stepfather told ABC News today he is alert and aware of everything that happened.

    Doctors placed rods in Wright’s legs during surgery Monday night. He is expected to remain in the hospital for at least another three to four days to recover from a broken femur, broken tibia, broken pelvis and burns on both his feet.

    The driver of the BMW suffered minor injuries.

  10. Going to a brick and motor school is better, but it's up to you to decide the ROI.

    I would, if I could. My schedule just doesn't work out for it. Having a full time job, and 3 kids only leave me open to these options.

    Since my youngest is now in school also, its the best time to finish up. Figured by the time they hit middle school, i'll be able to apply for grad school.

  11. Work would not pay for anything that wasn't accredited and Phoenix is, they took most of my OSU credits which got me through to being a senior. The only thing I had to do over were my degree core classes. Teacher's were all people who were/are in the field and it was all hands on and very practical, some of the stuff I knew and breezed through other classes were challenging. I can't complain about it since got kudos from the boss and a bit of a bump in pay scale. Mine was in computer science.

    Did you work reimburse you for it? and was there any problems with financial aid and working with any of the advisors? The most complaints i've read about online are with Financial Aid mess ups, which wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.

    Anyone else attend this school and have an imput how they operate in person.

    Im not saying ODU or Phoenix is worthless. or else i wouldn't debate going to either. I was interested in the ODU lead program. But the lady i was working with no longer works there, and the new person was not pleasant at all, They somehow managed to not have my record of enrolling, but still have my contact info to harass me about enrolling. Then want me to pay the application fee and run around town to get my transcripts a second time.

  12. Hell Guys and Gals.

    Im looking to finish up my Bachelors degree. I'm currently employed with a decent job, and just looking for something to help me internally mostly. However if it lands me in a higher paying job elsewhere, then so be it.

    Im a full time worker, with children. So with my schedule, my options are limited to CSCC, ODU's lead program, And UOP. I chose UOP over Ohio Dominican because of the enrollment process. I believe both schools degrees pretty much gets laughed at the same way. and ODU requires way to much work just to get into the school.

    With that being said, What is everyones opinion on this school. What are the chances of me getting into a graduates program elsewhere with a UOP degree? And would YOU personally do it.

    My orientation will be on wednsday (tomorrow) and classes will start the 28th if i go through with it.

    My job has tuition reimbursement (with ANY passing grade), and im eligible for pell grants as well.

    Im looking for any opinion or suggestions. Good or Bad, thanks.

  13. One thing I've always wondered - what do these guys practice on? I mean, they couldn't have always been good at this, and like everything else you have to practice on something, right?

    I can draw pretty good myself, but do you know how many pieces of notebook paper I wasted in highschool getting there? (Or was I just wasted in highschool - LOL)

    They practice on their friends. lol, my brother owns a shop, and he's had a couple of kids come in and pay to be an apprentice, they come in, learn, and shoot some tats on their friends, and eventually they get to do simple tats on real customers and build their skill up.

  14. sentinel, used it back in school when every kid wanted to have a Import Tunned Car. and we had 10 people in our so called race clique, and it was cool back then to replace the letters with 10 and still name the word. haha. Nothing like speeding around town with nothing but an autozone muffler and air filter, thinking i could beat anybody on the road..

  15. I got a text from my buddy asking me if i was ok. I guess he was referring to this story and for some reason thought the bike resembled mine. Its pretty crazy out there, I read the comments and it was all ignorence. I like how the people that don't ride bikes think that bikers don't own cars as well. Owning a bike has made me improve my driving skills and be more alert for riders and other cars on the road.

    RIP Rider.

  16. I am looking at smartphones for the wife (cant find one with a tasty sammich maker though:D) Currently she has a very cheap NO frills pay as you go phone that works as a phone, but doesn't have a camera, browser, etc. I am pretty much sold on the HTC EVO Shift 4g from sprint with the everything data plan but I have concerns with the slider keyboard (one of her requirements is that it has a qwerty keyboard) and its longevity. Anyone have any experience with this model or one like it? Anyone have any suggestions for a smart phone for a non-technical person?

    Don't get the shift.. its Shit.. shouldn't even have an EVO name attached to it. It does not have a front camera, the processor is slower then the regular evo. you still pay the $10 Premium data fee on it. so why not get a phone with premium data. The original EVO4g is better and can be had for cheap. or you can go EVO 3d. which is a step up. you could also wait for the Motorolla Photon, which has good specs as well. Sprints extra 10 dollar charge is no longer just for 4g phones, its for all smart phones now.

    Also sprint is currently the only carrier with real Unlimited data. and you can Root your phone and use the HotSpot feature without paying some stupid extra 30 dollar Fee. AT&T and Verizon has been cracking down on this, which is stupid. If you pay for 2 gigs of data. who cares how you use your 2 gigs up.

    Another Edit: the Nexus S is also a good choice to go with. I don't think sprint have any top end Android phones with keyboards at the moment, other then the Samsung Epic. which is glitchy and cheaply made.

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