here is what i dont get, someone please explain:
when the whole "incident" came out about them recieving dicounted items, and selling their stuff, why everyone was all up in arms about it. #1 who didnt think they were getting free shit the entire time? it comes with the territory. #2 they didnt cheat, they broke a rule, i dont see how you want them out so fast when they have done nothing but win for this school. they didnt take roids, pay the refs or pay the players to come there. i was listening to speilman today and the fans are saying how they felt sick watching pryor and the group play and this and that. if they didnt play you have the worst back up ever. if tp and the group doesnt play, you lose. and badly. stop bashing your qb when he makes a mistake, noone is perfect. so what he sold his stuff, it may not have been that big a deal to him as it is you as the fan, everything has a price. all im saying is i dont understand the extreme hate