everyone says they will be faster next season with all this stuff they are going to do. start a build thread dont just post it. and you can negotiate anything, did you ever watch pinks?
going for an outdoor racquetball tourny in sept, they are talking like it should be 110 easy. but free travel to vegas, hotel, i dont gamble, should be fun shit
i was reading our old kill sections last nite and man, me you paul and lelani were some post whores lol, i miss those days, bantering with you 3. btw i hate you existence
I mean if we r playing for big bucks ill have pappa come take everyones $ this weekend. I'm sure he'd be glad to collect from anyone here. Ill jus rack
I have endless neg rep idc who really reps people? You fags.
And why does everyone wanna race a 350z, honestly its slow as fuck so what does it prove? That he's slow? Way to waste gas. Jus punch him in the balls wen u see him or sumtin useful. Btw I'm going to own.alex this weekend. This guy bet me a grand and locked it in el oh el