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Posts posted by eggs

  1. Kids :Hey uncle Darryl can you take us to Cedar Point?

    Drunk Darryl: Hellz no! you little shiots , leave meh alone!

    Kids: c'mon we are bored and have nothing to do!

    Drunk Darryl: Juz leave me alone , I'm fenna eat meh some of dem cheetos.

    Kids: plz! plz! plz!

    Drunk Darryl: Aww..fuck it (hic-cup) c'mon, but, we ant fenna go the to cedar point but i'll drive like your'e aleady there on a ride. :drink:

  2. On January 17, 1899, Italian immigrants Gabriele and Teresina of Brooklyn, New York welcomed a baby boy. Fourteen years later, the couple’s son dropped out of Catholic school after a brawl with a teacher and began a life of crime that would make him one of the most notorious gangsters in history. Who are we talking about? Al “Scarface” Capone, of course.

    Authors and Hollywood directors have told the story of Capone countless times, but how much do you really know about the infamous criminal?

    Check out five interesting facts about Al Capone:

    1. Capone’s drink of choice was Templeton Rye whiskey from Templeton, Iowa.
    2. Capone’s specially-outfitted, bullet-proof Cadillac was seized by the U.S. Treasury Department in 1932 and later used by the government as Franklin Roosevelt’s limousine.
    3. Capone got his “Scarface” nickname after a bar brawl in Coney Island that left him with three large slashes on the left side of his face.
    4. Even though “Scarface” was his most well-known nickname, Capone’s closest friends called him “Snorky.”
    5. After suffering a mental and physical decline as a result of neurosyphilis, a Baltimore psychiatrist and Capone’s personal physician performed tests that showed his mental capability had diminished to that of a 12-year-old.


  3. So I work at HHgregg and this was a conversation between me and my first customer of the day.....

    Customer: I want to return this microwave

    Me: what's wrong with it?

    Customer: well to start I paid for stainless steel and its blue. Second its all scratched up.

    Me: (picking at one of the corners then peeling it back a little). Its blue because this is a protective covering and it was the plastic that's scratched not the unit.

    Customer: oh.......sorry (picks unit up and leaves)

    Gotta LOVE stupid people.....................

    What a FumbDucker.

    I had a customer constantly bitch about the price of gas. So.one day I had enough and took the bill from him and hopped back into my truck while he waited. I scratched the original price and put THE SAME PRICE back on there and handed it back to him and said "don't tell anyone I changed that for you or it will be my ass" He was happier than hell! I made his month lol


  4. I know we are onto dwarf tossing., but im gonna comment on the orignal topic :D

    I think even the first response was lame, If a person is hell bent on killing people he can drop a mag and reload and new one very fast.especially if no one is shooting back!!

    sheeple :nono:

  5. An intoxicated man brandishing a shotgun demanded food at the drive-thru window of a closed McDonald's, blaming his hungry and pregnant wife, the Southeast Missourian reports:

    "They had told him the store was closed," [scott County Sheriff Rick] Walter said. "He demanded one of the employees to open the window." The employee reportedly responded by advising only the manager could open the window.

    "He told the employee he wanted food and pointed the shotgun at that time," Walter said. "He said, 'If I don't bring some food home for my wife, she's going to kill me.' At that point, the employees didn't want to stick around to listen to any more demands."

    The sheriff noted that the shotgun had a live round in its chamber.

    The suspect, Chris Brooks Heuring, was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and driving while intoxicated.



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