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Everything posted by GESEXER

  1. I have seen this before, he is a nut case. What if someone opened a car door on him. I i guess thats the least of his worries
  2. I appreciate you helping me. I'm boggled at why it's doing this
  3. Only runs for a few seconds then shuts off, will not stay running, no FI light
  4. I hope I didn't kill the bike. I checked my coolant level and it was low. I think my thermostat is shot also. I am going to replace that but I still have this issue. the code shows c00
  5. still havent checked that switch. the bike starts for a second or two then shuts off. It did get u pot about 235 degrees when i shut it off! Didnt know if that is a curve ball or not
  6. No FI light. It did come on while riding about a week prior. I turned it off then back on the next day and light went off and ran fine then.
  7. I will check that wiring on the kickstand too just to be sure
  8. Also the bike was about to over heat when i shut it off at 235 degrees. which really isn't that high of a heat
  9. Its just weird how one day it was fine and the next it doesnt wanna stay started
  10. yes the fuel pump runs when it tries to run.. or while it cranks.
  11. No, i can try the go go juice if i need to. Seriously man I need help.
  12. I got home one day and turned my bike off and it was fine. Two days later was going to leave and would not start. I looked at wires, fuel line, almost everything i can think of. Recently when i try to start, it runs for about a second and dies but will not stay started. I don't get it, it seems like an injector isssue or a sensor of some sort. All the fuses look good too. Anything that anyone can help me with would be greatly appreciated.
  13. All the bikes are faced the same way and angled the same...it's ok cause it looks right...?
  14. You can also use beer to get drunk!
  15. sounds like mr. inbreed was a few fries short of a happy meal. What a dumb ass, bahahahaha! Some lady today tried to pay for a loto ticket today with her credit card...d der dee!
  16. octane booster, haha, someone should have told him to try and feed it some damn weaties!
  17. thats what schools for i guess:wtf:
  18. apparently you don't work construction, i aint measuring shit in centimeter and meters and shit! Im stuck in the middle because of mechanical measurements! .3##9er is all I need to remember!
  19. bid, bid, bid anyone else, going once, going twice, SOLD. Thats how an auction works. They will not take the final bid if reserve wasnt met.
  20. what are your nuts doing in your pocket? put em in your back pocket away from your phone! Haha... and my ear hurts because of... my phone of course!
  21. True but, common sense would tell you, thats your yard and this is mine. What happens in your yard stays your yard and visa versa. I completely understand what you are saying and they have every right. But I just think it's ridiculous. Not to mention we are the most laid back understanding families ever. We work for what we have and are out to screw anyone over. But you are right dammit; they don't know that! Thanks for the reality check. Much appreciated. 18 inches is the funny part thought!
  22. It's funny how from that little bit I said you knew what I was going for with my statement, but u do agree with your post. On top of that the media plants mind bullets into a lot of people's heads on purpose I sware. I know they are just being cautious; the just take it too far all the time.
  23. So, my mom is getting a new neighbor in upper arlington. raise your pinky for this one please (stuck up arington dumb asses). Anyway, the new lady next door has a two kids and daddy is buying the house for her. Mom now has to move the play set which is in are yard that is fenced in because it is on her property. Explain this one to me please?... The father wants us to move it 18 inches away from the fence, obviously in our yard (away from our fence!!!! 18 inches) so that they do not get sued by us if my neices or nephews are playing and get hurt. My mom bought the house in 1991, Because the fence has been there for so long we don't have to move it LMAO (well the yardh has been there for longer dammit). So i then asked my mom if they are going to come into are yard and mow that 18 inch section of grass every three to four days...Hell now she ain't gonna do that. I wish i could tell the city to GET BENT or Shove It sometimes! Some people
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