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Posts posted by Rctaylor

  1. Everyone on craigslist thinks their pile of shit is a pile of gold.

    You can probably get 3k for your TT. Condition, tires, body/paint, miles, and how much you value compared to how much they want, it determine what you'll get for it.

    Also, look/post it on triumphrat, britrider and sites like that. People are sometimes willing to travel a bit to get the rarer bikes... I was.

  2. I have always wanted to ride the bike out to my parents place by Philadelphia but can't picture myself doing a 7-8 hour slab ride to get there.

    Take two days and do all backroads.

    Sounds like a great trip minus the rain. Sounds HOT in PA.

  3. Dude, I'm in your camp. I'm a short-distance rider. I asked a week or so ago about the appeal of long rides. Even though its not an ST ride, I keep thinking I need to run SR73 down to Portsmouth again this year. Great road.

    I rode that last year a few times. Its fantastic! I ride 350->73 to Serpent Mound and back a couple times a month.

  4. Yes 5000 miles on my Q2 rear.

    Best guesstimates; I've run about 1000 miles on the sides, and 4000 on the center. Theres about 1000 miles of commuting left, and about 1000 miles of sides left.

    I have a 70 mile round trip highway commute to school six times a week, hence high miles without a lot of wear. Also its about 30 miles to hit the KY backwoods, so each trip down there is still a lot of miles! They rack up when you ride everyday :)

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