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Posts posted by Rctaylor

  1. I'm a big guy on a 600 as well and I have conti's on mine. I dont have any wear issues and run my tires at 42 and 36 psi. I also made sure the load was adjusted on the suspension for my weight.

    Us big dudes wear out tires quicker. More weight inevitably means more wear.

    Make sure the pressure stays above 30 and you'll get the most life.

  2. TuneECU is pretty awesome once you figure it out.

    Play with it a lot BEFORE you hook up your bike. Get comfortable with it all, what all the spreadsheets/numbers/ratios mean, etc. Its a fantastic built-in feature for Triumphs that more bikes should've come from the factory with.

  3. This brings up a past memory from right around 2002 or 2003. Back then I was using the car dyno to dyno bikes. The shaft on the drums would split so I could dyno using 1 drum. I remember one day dynoing a few harley bikes and one bone stock busa. The HD owners could not believe their eyes when they saw a stock busa lay down 150 hp.

    And to think 150 horsepower is... low for a 2010+ flying couch. Good story lol.

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