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Everything posted by Ricochet

  1. Does it still count if you do it with yourself?
  2. I can sell you some guns Dale lol.. wanna buy that AK back I got from you?
  3. Her voice got really annoying ... wasn't that funny really..
  4. Just think of all the empty donut shops during those 2 hours... those cops need to keep supporting the local economy...
  5. I like to go and play with the guns I want to buy then buy then somewhere else a lot cheaper... I really dont like spending more on something that I can get cheaper elsewhere..
  6. you should never sell your guns.. unless to get a newer gun
  7. If you all knew how Awesome I am, that would be awesome!!
  8. Cops are not sworn to protect you... they are sworn to uphold the laws of city/county/state etc. I have been a cop. Mt family is full of cops. As said before, video is misleading. If the person (cop or otherwise) breaks the law, he should be punished. But I am not judge and jury will hold all thoughts on any action until I know both sides.
  9. I am from woodsfield so have ridden every single road in the area many times.. not sure condition this yr since I left last fall.... but 255 is always fun to ride...
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