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Everything posted by Ricochet

  1. I would go $450 but buyer would have to drive here.. Located near Woodsfield in Monroe county... I live off SR 800 between Woodsfield and ST 7... I have place to shoot if interested in it.. Just PM me
  2. Ricochet


    you mean I could have had that name
  3. I probably open carry more than I CC, but I am very comfortable with it.. I open carried every single day for over 4 years as a deputy sheriff.. I have carried a gun since I was 19 yrs old.. I'm 34 now.. I don't even think about it anymore.. Its a part of me, just like my wallet.
  4. Only real men shoot Glocks
  5. Curious to see what the hive thinks are the best biker movies...
  6. I am looking for a bike again. I think I want a cruiser this time around since Im getting too old and fat. Looking to spend around $3000, give or take... I have been looking all over Craigslist and found some I like but I am not going to pay out the ass because someone added "a bunch of extras". One guy wanted $8200 on a bike that cost $7500 new... So any leads would be appreciated.. Ricochet
  7. All the cop haters on arfcom calling the cop a fat pig, its all his fault that she got away, he was too lazy to catch her etc.. Bottom line is that she made her choice to break the law and her and family will now have to pay the price for her actions. There was no intent to hurt her, he called for medical right away. Good taze.
  8. My roommate is with the Columbus Chrome Divas... I will let her know...
  9. Ricochet

    First gun

    If anyone is on AR15.com join us in the Ohio Hometown Forum and on Facebook.. https://www.facebook.com/groups/284665788224040/?bookmark_t=group
  10. Ricochet

    First gun

    I have spend years in law enforcement and a handgun was a tool that could save my life. I don't baby my guns but I have seen what bad ammo can do to a nice gun. I really dont give a shit what ammo you use. I'm just stating MY opinion and experience just like you have stated yours.
  11. I grew up on 800 outside of Woodsfield towards Fly... Lots of good riding around here... this is where I learned to ride...
  12. Im surprised its just one... since Hitler lived to be an old man in south America
  13. Ricochet

    First gun

    Cheap ammo is just that.. cheap...if you have a POS gun run all the cheap steel ammo you want.. but I try to take care of my guns and will spend a few bucks more for better ammo.. The only steel cased ammo I shoot goes into the AK.. that thing will eat anything and it can handle it.. The difference with steel case and brass is the expansion of the case when you shoot and the amount of residue left after each shot. Steel case doesn't expand as much as brass.
  14. those cartoons kinda made my naughty parts tingle..
  15. i know this one woman named her kid Barrack Obama....
  16. Well I am not a hunter anymore..(unless its the 2 legged female kind) but I do camp etc.. I using go see what they have and then buy it online...
  17. That would be awesome if it was a real plate
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