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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. Are you planning a move and want to ensure help in the near future?

    Sorry guys I didn't win the lotto I just needed help moving. :lol: who wants to chip in for pizza and beer? :dunno:

    Actually, I just moved at the beginning of the month and of the three brothers I have, only one showed up, so I was still stinging a little, from the pricks I have no choice in being related to, that have no problem calling when they need something, but are always busy when I need something.

  2. As for sharing the wealth, as soon as I found out I won, I wouldn't tell anyone. I would announce to everyone I know that I was moving and needed help. Whoever actually showed up to help is a true friend and would be taken care of. The rest could kiss my ass!

  3. If I won the lottery, I'd spend half of it on legal fees (if so required) to get custody of my kids just so she could feel what it's like not to be allowed to see them everyday. Damn bitch.

    Ok, I'm done, rant's over. Thanks for listening.

  4. No, she's right! Think about it! At 80 miles per hour your tires are going so fast that based on their circumference, there's no way in hell that they could travel that far in an hour so you cut it about in half. It's a compromise so you can be fair to both large and small tires. Simple!

    Please don't, my head hurts.......

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  5. I like the Kawasaki green, and I need to actually clean it tomorrow, wash wax and get some sticker remover to get the left over sticky crap off the farings also found a cluster I'm watching just wondering if I'll be able to just hook it up and go :dunno:

    Congrats on the bike! There's a lot of good info out there in the Kawi forums, just gotta dig around. Here's a couple good ones I use,



  6. You can clearly see the guy approaching at a faster pace than everyone else and he's pretty much determined to get around everyone and anything to get where he's got to go. I catch myself doing this once in awhile and have to remind myself to calm down and relax and stop being an idiot.

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