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Posts posted by Kent2406

  1. Just give up Tyler. I tried using the gun example earlier. Some people just don't get it and never will. They'll wake up one day and see the light and the first thing out of their mouths will be, "Oh shit, where did all my freedom go?! Oh yeah, that's right, I gave it all up over scare tactics."

    • Upvote 2
  2. People have no business having collections of animials like the this, and for exactly this reason. Animals like these belong in zoos, or in their natural habitat, which is not Zanseville. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these animals are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it.

    Gotta be careful with your words and what you're saying. Would you feel the same if your statement was this:

    "People have no business having collections of guns like the this, and for exactly this reason. Guns like these belong in military, or destroyed. It takes one single, and perhaps innocent, mistake and suddenly you have the general public at risk and safety crews left to handle a situation they are not properly trained for to resolve. Its sad that for whatever reason the owner is dead, and that these guns are gone becuse they were kept in an improper home, one that obviously could not properly protect them, nor those outside of it."

    It's exactly this kind of mentality that is trying to take away our right to bear arms. You shouldn't just pass laws outlawing people from owning exotic animals over one incident just like you shouldn't take away our rights to own guns just because some idiot goes on a shooting spree.

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  3. How about a story the other way around. I was having a very bad day, many years ago, when I had an idiot cut me off and it was my breaking point, I tailgated his ass to the next stop light, jumped out and started walking to his car with every intention of pulling him out of his car and kicking his ass. As I got to the side of his car, he opened his door just enough to stick his gun out. Stopped me in my tracks, I didn't say a word and turned around and walked back to my car. I've controlled my road rage ever since. I've wondered many times, how that may have played out, had I continued to his door.

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