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Everything posted by Kent2406

  1. See, there you go, women always wanting to know what's on a mans plate. It shouldn't matter, bring your own damn plate. But it sounds like you do though, so good for you. You're one of the few.
  2. That's how my first bike started out looking like......
  3. And this is why I choose to remain single. Every girl I meet never has anything to bring to the table but always wants what's on my plate.
  4. Actually, I think it was 02 not 01 when I sold it.
  5. I don't think so. I was on the Cougar forums when I had the car. I sold it to a kid in the Canton / Akron area back in 2001, maybe you saw it there or know him.
  6. Yeah, I hear ya. I'll probably bite the bullet and go see the guy down the road. With his experience and know how on structural framing or whatever, I'm sure he'll do it right and it'll look right. Just hoping such a person would be on here that could give me a decent price.
  7. There's a local guy right down the road that makes race car and buggy chassis. I may go see what he would charge me but I'm sure it'll be a pretty penny.
  8. As some of you know I got into a fight with the ground while riding my bike and lost, so now I'm rebuilding the bike the way I think it should be. My current project is replacing the tail section with one from an 03-04 ZX6R. I have everything cut and ready to weld, just need a welder cause I don't think bubble gum is going to hold it. Just looking for someone with some skill and a welder. I can pay with cash, or mow your grass, wash your dishes, clean your car or whatever non-homosexual activities you need done. If you're a hot sexy lady and can weld, all sexual inquiries will be seriously considered. Here's a few pictures of what needs welded. And yes, I did all this cutting and crap today with one good arm and one sorry ass arm that I can't even with. These pictures would be with it at stock height, which I don't want but everything lines up nicely. Tail at stock height. This is where I want it and need to figure out how to do it with out it looking like a hack job. Tail at raised height. This cross member will need moved so the tank will secure. This shows the height difference. Misc pictures. So if you can help me out, it would be much appreciated.
  9. Well, the bear told him to just hold still, he'd be done in bout a minute. But noooo, the guy tries to get away!
  10. You gotta test em out at home first. Make sure they can't out run you!
  11. Not saying there's anything wrong with hunting, hell, that's part of the food chain. Just don't think they should go kill them because some idiots decided to go play in the wild without protection. What the hell did they expect to happen? I know I'm a Person Eating Tasty Animals!
  12. I'm sorry they died but I think it's bullshit they hunted the mother and cubs down and killed them. If you don't want to get eaten by a bear, stay out of the wild. If you do get eaten, then chalk it up as the food chain and leave the mother and cubs alone.
  13. Yeah, that's it. I couldn't remember what they called it. Doc wanted to cast my thumb but I talked him into letting me wear a brace. I told him my excuse was that I live alone and simple things like doing the dishes wasn't getting done, in fact, every dish I owned was dirty, piled up on the counter and I couldn't go another 4-weeks with a cast. So he said it was up to me if I actually listen to him or not and wear the brace anytime I'm not getting it wet. Of course, I should have let him cast it cause the only time I wear it is if I'm doing something where there's a chance I'll hit it or make it bend when it's not suppose to. I guess I'll find out how it's doing when I go back to the docs Sept 7th.
  14. Yeah, cause no one would ever fudge the results in an independent study.
  15. Congrats man! Gives me inspiration! I had my cast completely removed on the 10th and had zero movement in my arm but as of today I almost have half, so I'm also making good progress. It's actually going to take longer for my thumb to heal since the part that broke has a tendent attached to it. My goal is to at least be able to get on the bike and take it for a short ride this season and it looks like I should be able to. If anything stops me, it will be the bike not the arm. It's currently torn down, just waiting to get enough cash to buy new parts, paint, then reassembly.
  16. Sooo, how many of you have a flight planned for Japan? I know I wouldn't go, screw that. Call me a pussy all you want! At least my nuts aren't falling off!
  17. Even though I've been known to just ride off into the grass and perform my own style of acrobatics; I can assure you, it wasn't me....
  18. I wear my gear all the time and will always wear it but I'm living proof that you can still get hurt. Just remember, gear doesn't keep your bones from breaking. Not trolling, just trying to help you see reality.
  19. Man, I'm upgrading the swingarm on my bike. If I knew how to make it work, I'd be all over this!
  20. Screw that, kick his ass out! That's just disrespectful to you and you mother. His ass has gotta go!
  21. Kent2406

    Sunday 8/7?

    Ah, you guys are making me jealous. Can't wait to ride again! I did make progress with the bike though. My little helper and I removed the entire sub frame, which was a task with one hand but my boy was awesome. I would just break the bolts and screws loose and he removed them. I love it cause he loves doing this kind of stuff!
  22. Have you reported these incidents? They're not over and beyond the law, they should be reported. Are there cameras on the trains recording everything? You would think there would be.
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