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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    Mad at NRA

    I have never received a bunch of mail or phone calls, I've only been a member for like 6 years. I only get automated calls at election time and even then its like once.
  2. crb

    Mad at NRA

    You got a free hat? Hell I didn't get a free hat and I'm a life member. I missed the life member jacket deal too. I don't wear advertise by wearing firearm hats or NRA hats.
  3. Damn it me too. If you were only a week earlier. GLWS
  4. Hell its to the point you can't fill your bike for $10. Its gonna cost me $20 to fill my mower. Honestly gas could be $12 a gallon and it wouldn't change my life or habits. Once the wife quits next year that might change.
  5. That's all the better tour yaris gets? I had an 05 corolla S with a 5 spd and I got mid 40's in town and high 40's highway. A couple times I got 50+ and I have a heavy foot. I also calculate fuel mileage the old fashioned way I don't trust the cars computer to calculate.
  6. I'll take 2 please. Heavy duty if you have them in stock.
  7. I was hoping for more fireworks when casper showed up. Oh well.
  8. Anthony Weiner/ Eric Holder that would be a sweet ticket.
  9. Weiner/holder for president 2012!
  10. I thought everything was Bush's fault. Gas prices going up has to be Bush's fault right?
  11. You know like Ohio riders rulez! I was throwing something atheist I'm the mix as to not be accused of being anti athiest because ATHEISM RULEZ! Just striving for equality.
  12. When did I do that? I'm guessing you are referring to gay marriage. My solution the government has no business deciding who can marry. No benefits for being M/M, M/W, WW, T/T, or another combination. Hell if 3 people wish to marry so be it. The federal government has no business telling the states, counties, or cities that they can't. Have Jesus, Mary, the ten commandments, atheism rules, the Bible, Koran, Torah, etc on. The town square. That's between the citizens and the city, county, or state.
  13. I am serious! I want Obama to accomplish one of his goals. Gas has to go higher otherwise we wont trade in our SUV'S for volts.
  14. I'm with you, although I don't buy seperation of church and state. I'm not sure we can get on the same page on how to achieve equal rights. I want less government to accomplish it. The government doesn't want us getting along they like inequality. We will never have racial equality until we end affirmative action for instance. We all bleed the same color last time I checked. No more stiffer penalities for gay bashing, assault is assault. No more "special treatment "for anyone! Equal is equal not equal plus a little.
  15. I hope it hits $8 or $9 a gallon by Nov.
  16. I am concerned about all of our rights! I am most passionate about the second amendment. What are you passionate about. My fear is the republic is lost! I hope its not too late to upright this ship. The federal government has way over stepped their limits. The people need to peaceably demand our rights back and demand a limited government.
  17. The tenth rule of the ethics of rules and means is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral arguments. …the essence of Lenin’s speeches during this period was “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.” And it was. — P.36-37
  18. Oh ok, I thought maybe I needed my eyes checked. GLWS
  19. Am I missing the price or are you actually taking a guess?
  20. Yes, but the 2nd amendment is #1 in my book. If they take away our right to keep and bear arms they can take away all our liberties. I think its funny that all people would get all upset if they had to fill out a background check to buy a newspaper or book, but its fine for firearms. I guess states could require a permit to post on a forum or use Facebook. Does the 1st amendment only apply in my home?
  21. Well then I geuss we need to decide if 100% of it is incorporated, which I don't believe it is. If it is incorporated then states have no power to make any firearm laws.
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