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Everything posted by crb

  1. Don't attack anyone from behind or smash someones head in the concrete.
  2. When one person feels their life is in danger!
  3. If only I could carry a cop in a holster on my side preferably a U.S. Marshall or FBI so they have jurisdiction in multiple states.
  4. He provoked him? Where is your proof? Innocent until proven guilty is only in the court of law. Assuming Zimmerman's story is accurate if a 17 yr old is smashing my head in the asphalt and beating the shit out of me I don't know what I would do. I would have to be in the situation. The fired round didn't eject. Did trayvone have his hand on the gun? Maybe George was attacked from behind and trayvone put his hand on his gun? Touch my firearm I consider that a threat to my life. Did trayvone grab his gun or put his hand on the gun during the fight on the ground? I don't know I wasn't there. Is it possible? Who knows? I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 EVERYDAY! !! We don't have all the facts that's the prosecutor and police's job! I'm unwilling to say he is innocent or guilty until all the facts are presented!
  5. Are you slow? What part of self defense don't you get? That's his story and obviously he is sticking to it. Prove him wrong!
  6. Oh! Shit if I'm gonna be a better racist I better start writing this stuff down!
  7. Why is your cock yellow? I can understand orange if you are jacking off eating Cheetos but yellow?
  8. Did he confront tryvone? Did he walk down the street/sidewalk gun drawn? When exactly was the gun drawn? Is it illegal to follow someone down a street/sidewalk in public? Does a police dispatcher's instructions constitute a lawful order? You are assuming he gunned tryvone down in cold blood, and that simply hasn't been proven yet.
  9. No the world wouldn't be a better place, it would be very boring! I don't want everyone having the same opinion as me. Hell cheech and I differ in opinions or how we achieve the end result doesn't mean either of us is 100% right(correct).
  10. +1 From what I have read the spent round was not ejected. Did the gun malfunction? Did tryvon have his hand on the gun? If so was it before or after it was drawn?
  11. Don't go there with the while seperation of church and state that will railroad this discussion off track big time. I will keep my comments concerning "seperation of church and state" out of this thread as to not derail it!
  12. Yes, unless a prosecutor can prove you guilty beyond a shadow of doubt to a jury of your peers. So yes and no is the answer. The presumption of innocence, sometimes referred to by the Latin expression Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat, is the principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty. Application of this principle is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial, recognised in many nations. The burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which has to collect and present enough compelling evidence to convince the trier of fact, who is restrained and ordered by law to consider only actual evidence and testimony that is legally admissible, and in most cases lawfully obtained, that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. If reasonable doubt remains, the accused is to be acquitted. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presumption_of_innocence
  13. crb

    XBox 360...

    Also you can leave the USB stick in for added memory. Any USB memory stick will do it doesn't need to be Xbox brand.
  14. Why? Are they commiting a crime? A crime is still a crime right? Can I put up a poster like that and not be charged or is it different because I'm just an American and not a hyphenated American? I guess I need to become a member of a "protected" class.
  15. Does the prosecutor have to prove you guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt? Or are you automatically presumed guilty and have to prove innocence beyond a shadow of a doubt? I will take our system anyday over Mexico's system. I'm with casper its better for s guilty person to walk than a innocent person be jailed for life. I'm reserving judgment until I hear all the facts. I think the timeline will make or break this case. I'm waiting to hear step by step what happened. If NBC hasn't caused a mistrial already. Also why are the black panthers not being prosecuted for conspiracy to commit murder for hire? "WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE"
  16. No because you think he should have a trial no matter what, and don't see him as innocent until proven guilty. Would you like to be guilty until proven innocent? This is America! If you want guilty until proven innocent go to Mexico! Good luck getting the drug cartels tried for your murder though.
  17. Excellent point! The entitlement society is rampant!
  18. They sell car ashtrays at Walmart, autozone, advanced auto, etc. Grammer Nazi's FUCK OFF please and thank you sir's and madame's!
  19. What the hell happened to manners? People can't nod or say thanks when you hold a door for them? Why do smokers thinks its okay to throw their cigarette butts on the ground? Isn't that littering? Do cars not come with ashtrays? I guess Walmart doesn't sell ashtrays either? St least stomp your cigarette out! Why do cagers drive with their high beams on all the time or run headlights, foglights, and four off road lights? Are these people blind? Why does everyone think the should flip you off when they are the one driving like a dumbass? Example: car runs up beside you from a ramp, another car is beside you they flip you off for not slowing down or moving over. Last time a checked the person that has the yield sign is supposed to speed up or slow down to get in without affecting the other traffic. I feel better now! Oops one more. If there is a urinal piss instead of pissing all over the shitter! I know your afraid somebody might see you little pecker, but get over it or sit and pee if you can't raise the lid and hit the water. I don't care to use public restrooms, but don't have w choice.
  20. Hook a couple bikes to MT's hottub full of woman and jello have ourselves a parade? Wouldn't that be a sight to see bikes in a parade towing a hot tub float around 270. I volunteer to bring up the tail I got the slowest bike besides I can lay down a coat of oil so the cops can't catch us. We could have a certain temporarily banned member lead us while flapping his arms on a blackhawk. Oh and us evil 2nd advocates that are looking to make a political statement can open carry. Scruit is in charge of video.
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