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Everything posted by crb

  1. crb

    Wife's new toy

    I wondered where the batteries went. I guees she went for a toy to protect her other toys.
  2. Wife and I have been a few times to different casinos to kill time while on the road. I have played the tables a few times, but mostly slots and video poker. We only walk in with an amount of cash that we are comfortable walking away without, but usually we do fairly well or break even. I'm not overwhelmed with the gambling experience.
  3. I guess I have different priorities hot water and a fridge come before my hobbies. Cold showers suck! I do like my AC and heat. sounds like you need a better job.
  4. I had to file a claim with allstate shortly after I switched to them. I was extremely happy with how they handled it. The accident probably would have been my fault if I hadn't dad the mindset to take pics. My truck was fixed fast, I drove into the claims center and was issues a check for the repairs. I had one claim under state farm that required work done to my vehicle, the process at state farm wasn't bad. I think the allstate people kept in touch with me better. If state farm was cheaper for the same coverage I would return. I still have my life policies there just because I hate to move them.
  5. If its the storm I drove through today in Missouri and Illinois it was raining very hard in places.
  6. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5gf20Ooln7TwsS2qgp_GWuoPw0r6w?docId=1db94e36d15041b28c021b78b3fa9bfc ROGERS, Ark. (AP) —A northwest Arkansas teenager thought it would be funny to text a random phone number saying she hid a body, but the joke backfired. Of all the local phone numbers she could have chosen, the 15-year-old Rogers girl picked one that belonged to a police detective. Police found the girl's address by tracing her cellphone number. The prank? To text: "I hid the body ... Now what?" to a random phone number. The teen said she got the idea for the prank from a posting on the website Pinterest. Police didn't find the prank funny and say it tied up some of the department's resources. The girl was released with a warning.
  7. Open search in new window, that's how I do it. Simply press and hold on search and click open in background or new window.
  8. I've been building or help build desktops since I was 7 or 8, but the last one I just bought from a big box store in a really big box. For the price I just couldn't see building one, I probably would have ended spending more building it myself so I added a hard drive and need to order some 4 gig sticks. I used to go to computer shows with the old man and pickup components, but haven't been to a computer show in years. The last PC show I went to was crap!
  9. Fail just like you Tupperware fans!
  10. Mine rarely gets used, but it was cheap! Carrying $1000 laptop around beating the hell out of it vs beating the hell out $179 netbook just makes sense to be rough on the netbook. Its sad how quickly computes get outdated. I special ordered the gateway 5 years ago and spent nearly $1,000 today $400 laptops are much faster its crazy.
  11. I have a 5 year old gateway that is still doing well considering its hard life on the truck. I had 4 different dell laptops they were all shit. I've got a friend that swears by Toshiba. I've got an Acer netbook that does well for its purpose which is web browsing and mapping. I have replaced 2 screens on the Acer as it gets abused on the truck. I think my next laptop will be an apple.
  12. crb

    67 in a 55 WTF?!

    My first was for 88 in a 55 and participating in a speed contest. oh and I was s juvenile. I might have got another 88 in a 55 a year or so later. I pretty much keep under the radar anymore, tickets and higher insurance rates get expensive. I see no issue here! Speed and you get a ticket big surprise. 56 in a 55 is breaking the law. The sign doesn't read 55ish it is 55, anything over 55 they can ticket you. Just because most cops give you 10 doesn't mean all will.
  13. crb

    lost my key

    Hot wire the bike
  14. Brother Inlaw had one I believe it was the same type I know it was a cyst on his wrist doctor told him to hit it with a book or they would have to drain it. He let it go and he wccidently hit his hand on something and it went away.
  15. Yea I'm leaning in the direction of two guns like midget said too, but over time. Is the Remington 700 worth the extra? I preciously was looking at a Marlin X7vh be sufficient. Really about 750 yards is the most I could forsee using it out to anyway and only in a SHTF situation. http://www.marlinfirearms.com/Firearms/CenterfireBoltAction/x7vh.asp
  16. Well I may need to save pennies and buy a put together unit. I was just throwing out numbers I am flexible. I'm wanting longer range than my colt hbar.
  17. 1,000 yards would be nice 1/2" moa. I have s heavy barrel colt AR 223 longest I've done with it is 300 yards since I dropped my range membership.
  18. Taxes wouldnt go down the money for roads would be directed to the general fund as they are now. Do you have any idea how much trucking and bus companies pay? We would end up with more subsidies for Amtrak, airlines, Parks, bike paths, walking trails, etc. Government doesn't like to release power.
  19. Totally forgot about the m1a. Hmmmm
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