Jones' reach definetly won that fight. Those knees could reach Evan's head plus those patty cake then elbow throws also helped quite a bit.
the macdonald/chills fight was alot more entertaining
Deer - well hitting them while driving. curvey roads or dark is the worst I feel as if there is a herd of them awaiting to go all kamikazee on me
snorkeling - the ocean is so vast and can only see so far under water. wish I could see 360* because there's always sharks
going blind - lost my sight once from a bad cornea infection. happened over night & woke up comletely blind. scarey shit took about a month to fully recover
Berrys is good, get the rice pudding. H&Bs hop on the west side is the best ice cream stand ever. Jim's pizza box in Milan square has some delicious pizza. Casa fiesta is terrible has went WAY down hill and terrible. Dave's food mart has killer friend chicken. sources: grew up in Norwalk btw going there sat/sun as well to visit the rents