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Everything posted by Jamez

  1. Thank you Casper. This is the first time I've ever laughed out loud from this forum
  2. I'm joking with you, I remember you telling me you weren't even mexican
  3. I can't imagine that bikes are the best investment when it comes to flipping them and turning a profit. Many people shy away from bikes that have been layed down, Id guess salvage title bikes scare too many people
  4. Don't quite understand but if that's your pathetic mexi-english attempt at a knock on me then good form sir. Actually I don't go that fast, I can't see tread patterns at that velocity
  5. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=lDZ2IFq8YYo
  6. Jamez


    Hello and Welcome
  7. I was thinking injector as well but wanted to hear what others thought. Ill deal with it until I put the bike up for winter and pull my injectors at that time. Thanks
  8. I can't think of any castles anywhere near hocking. The only castle I can even think of remotely close is Loveland Castle but its stupid. If by chance you find yourself in loveland gimme a shout
  9. The big thing that concerns me is how this will effect the dollar. Right now America can borrow rediculous amounts of money because the dollar is the only currency accepted worldwide. In fact the dollar is the only currency accepted by big oil. That means that if say Turkey wants to buy Xmillion barrels then they have to exchange Lira for dollars and then make the purchase. We can only continue to print money as long as it is considered the standard. This is slowly changing and some countries are no longer accepting the dollar. Its being devalued and the dollars status is being muddied by terrible facts such as the possibility of default. America can lose its AAA credit rating and the dollar will in turn take another hit. Something like half of all printed american currency is in foreign countries and if we default and are unable to meet all of our obligations then the dollar will suffer. The US will be forced to pay billions more in higher interest owed to other nations and combined with the lower demand for US currency could cause severe reprocussions in the American way of life. Why would you accept a form of currency that you weren't sure was good. You wouldn't. What does this mean for you and me? Prices on goods and services skyrocket because we are tapped into world economy so much. Oil prices would match what most of Europe is already paying ( 7+ dollars ) a gallon because we get a huge break on fuel seeing as we do not have to convert and are already paying with the dollar. Interest rates for home loans or cars would skyrocket. 1 word - GREECE
  10. First. Still has to be voted on by both parties but a plan has been agreed upon Not that this was a huge surprise, debt ceiling has been raised 102 times in the past. With less than 2 days left, If both parties don't pass the deal America will default for the first time in history.
  11. After the bike sits for more than a day its hard to get started. I have to key it on and off a few times and the pump has to prime a couple times before she will start. No other issues of any kind. When trying to start you. Can hear it fire 1 cylinder (poof) sound. Compression is good. After she's been running, she will fire right up. it will also start with no problems when cold as long as it has not sat for more than a day. Plugs recently replaced No other driveability issues Always use the same gas ( mobile premium ) Any ideas?
  12. I hate the looks from guys in no gear like I'm the asshole for being geared up in 90+ heat.
  13. Its not just the size but the speed and momentum. Asteroids average 25 miles per second. An asteroid mabe 10 miles big is estimated to be able to cause a K/T event. Google search k/t and asteroids, really fascinating and scary stuff
  14. Wow, somehow this thread took off... I guess since were on the subject I believe our demise will be from a super-volcano or ELE asteroid. These things can happen any time with very little warning. Yellowstone National park for example is a massive super volcano that if erupted would wipe north america off the map and according to scientists could plunge the rest of the world into a mini ice age due to all of the ash and debris blocking the sun. On the otherhand Asteriods hit earth everyday and have been for millions of years. Just a few weeks ago an asteroid the size of a truck missed earth by like 28,000 miles which is from what I understand a "near miss". We didn't learn of this asteriod until a few days before it wizzed by. We could literally have less than a week from right now.
  15. NOAA just changed their "normals" up a few degrees. They change the normals every 10 years based on the averages taken over that period. Here's a scary fact, The hottest decade ever recorded was this last decade. The second hottest decade ever recorded was the previous decade The third hottest decade...any guesses? Notice a trend? In fact this last change to new "normals" was the largest increase that NOAA has ever recorded. I have no idea if global warming actually exists, I've heard compelling arguements in both directions but wether its just a normal rise in temps or global warming due to greenhouse gasses, its not your imagination. Oh, almost forgot the Chilean 9.8 earthquake that leveled chille also managed to tilt earth a little more on its axis which also contributes to new sun angles and magnetic fields that scientists don't yet understand how effects earths weather yet. if it seems that tornados are getting stronger, hurricanes are more powerful, areas are seeing more drought and more flooding and weather is just crazier lately, it probably is. Justa random poll, do U believe in global warming caused by consuming fossil fuels?
  16. I could never work for the ASPCA, I would constantly be beating the shit out of people that abused animals. I hope the day never comes but let me witness somebody stomping a puppy. I don't understand a lot of the things that people do but animal abuse effects me a great deal. I have a huge softspot for dogs.
  17. Jamez

    Helmet Lock

    If the thief brings scissors then obviously they really wanted that helmet and I'm not sure there's much you can do to stop them. I think the master lock thing would work great, I'm just looking for something to deter them or stopping the simple grab and go. If someone wants to steal something bad enough, they will find a way no matter what contraption is holding it on.
  18. I'm sure there's a lot of blood, sweat, tears and swear words in that build
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