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Posts posted by snot

  1. Could you imagine MT as a hot tub sales man " and this model holds 1000 cups of jello 2 women and a midget with room for at least one more" or " keep in mind the warranty is voided if there is jello in the filters, so be sure to clean them before you call".

  2. Sorry for all the loss.

    I lost my grandmother 3 weeks ago, we were close. But she would be upset if she knew I was focusing on her death and not her life. The love she gave makes the pain worth it.

    We are all blessed to have people we love in our lives. We must mourn our loss but rejoyce in the memories.

    So treasure your memories and focus on the wonderful times you had.

  3. Just know most court order restrictions ARE in the interest of the child. So you must assume the restrictions are needed. To fight those restrictions and not show just proves why they are there to begin with.

    Birth control? This is an ex she speaks of so apparently as a couple planned or not it was a choice. We all have an ex we feel was a mistake or was crazy once we got to know them. Besides all children should be viewed as a blessing not an accident.

    This guy if an idiot he is missing the best years of there lives and its a choice.

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  4. Planning on riding down and camping..Doesn't appear to be many lady riders..Heard about this on the other Ohio forum..We ride down several times a year just for dinner or ice cream..Love the area for both saddles.

    I am going and I know one other lady is definitely going.

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