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Posts posted by snot

  1. Can't get the bike to move far before it stalls out on throttle. It has been parked outside off and on after the storage unit incident. When running it yesterday exhaust did feel like there were any obstructions.

    Try putting the old exhaust back on, it makes a differance on the mixture.

  2. In case no one has mentioned this ( not reading all the post). If you go to Gander before they open on Fridays they will give to a ticket then call you # to buy ammo. They restock Friday mornings

  3. as I've posted in the "Other" forum.. I'm in.

    I frequent here to see what's going on. I don't post here much, I probably never road with anyone here.. So I'm not commited to anything.

    Put me with the ladies group... Who wants to ride with guys anyway....LOL

    I want the rear spot... :)

    Last time I was the only girl. Just ride where you are comfortable.

    Snot always rides with the guys, she rides like one too

    This is true, and a few other ladies do too.

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