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Posts posted by snot

  1. I agree with IP..I'm in for the ride. Not the overnight shenanigans.

    Doubt there will be much in the way of shenanigans. If done correctly we will be to tired from riding but still pumped to get up early and do it again!

    I just want to ride..now:cry:

    • Upvote 1
  2. Well quick update both bikes have been totaled out. The storage units insurance company is going to cover all losses including accessories, so now I get to buy a new bike,tools, and stands and until I can get a garage in my complex it's going in my living room despite much protest from my wife.

    Great news, have you checked with local bike dealership to see if they will store it?

  3. She states " These 48 reasons teach us why it is important to ban weapons that increase the efficiency of killing humans.”

    I would like to see the numbers on how many people were saved because they had a gun. I hear stories about how people were able to protect them selves more than i do about the death of the innocent.

    I realize she is speaking of a type of gun, but once they take one they will take them all.

    My. 02

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