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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot

    Kal-tec sub2000 9mm

    We went to OE today they had 2 9mm and 1 .40 in stock.
  2. snot

    Kal-tec sub2000 9mm

    We had trouble wuth the sub 2000 9mm ejecting the shells but everything else was good. Althoug the sites could be a little taller.
  3. she is erin gibson, and she really loves being in the army
  4. Abc nightline tonight will have be talking to my hubbys nieces medvac troop.
  5. According to http://dealnews.com/features/10-Things-Not-to-Buy-on-Black-Friday/518931.html You should wait on the tv
  6. snot

    hey casper.

    All girls can its just messy:D
  7. Happy Thanksgiving to all...I am Thankful for all the advise and laughs you have givin me!
  8. Upload photo to your albums then you can copy and paste the link with the %7Boption%7D

  9. I have seen this helmet. It is beautiful!
  10. snot

    Kal-tec sub2000 9mm

    Can dale order it or old english?
  11. snot

    Kal-tec sub2000 9mm

    369.00 at old english for the .40 334.00 for the 9mm http://www.oeoutfitters.com/scripts/openExtra.asp?extra=23
  12. Last I checked this is still a free country. If it offends you then either don't look don't listen or go some where else because obviously where you are at the majority is not offended and has the right to there opinion. Everything is offensive to some one we can please everyone all the time.
  13. Went to the range with my brother today. He has a Kal-Tec 2000 9mm. It was awsome very light, low recoil. It is still in the break in period but, with reloads and new ammo it stove pipes often. also we noticed the sites are a little low so its not realy easy to dial in. One of my favs now! We also took my Karh .40 and had no issues this time, a ruger .357 and a glock .45. The ruger kicked my ass felt like it was ripping the skin off my hand (rubber grip).
  14. If its walmart becareful the stores are not honoring online ads. They may say there are not part of the .com...
  15. Walmart on line has a 32" emerson for 188 Monday thru Wednesday only. They show this item as a in store only so you can not order one thru the web. They showed one in piqua so I tought I would beat the rush and get it now. Well the one they have doesn't have the f at the end of the model number so they won't honor the price. So I asked if could order it. They said only online I told the the web said store only. They said they are not part of walmart.com. I walked out pissed off I will never shop there again! Id rather pay 50 more some where else!
  16. I vote for the xd. In vandalia you can rent guns so you can try them out. You may want to consider trying them out first.
  17. Went to hhgregg tonight most of there stuff is already marked down. You can by from walmart online sale starts thurs at 10pm
  18. snot


    I use redwing steel toes (store only). You can also check on line (othr brands)with msc or grainger. Grainger can give 15% off if you ask and msc has a 35% off sale one a month always during the week...check on black Friday.
  19. Also wonder why they don't just clean out the drug store instead of always going back. Also how did the zombie get in the store?
  20. Nope just a little more interesting...could of actually skipped a few weeks and not really miss anything.
  21. Ok a little better....finally
  22. Still to much drama and not enough action
  23. Can remember who but there is some one on here that works does floor coatings he is in minster.
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