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Everything posted by snot

  1. I took the 2 day class in piqua. It was 100. Took it with a .38 special. I checked out the trainer first on miami co. Sherriffs site and the emailed them to verify he is an instructor.
  2. Really! And how does it work? So far it has cost you money and time....and I bug the hell out of you to ride! Its a good thing I love you or id be pissed....
  3. I am sure others did too after reading some of the threads on here....but for different reason...fear of OR members:D
  4. I would at least look into how much it would cost to fix on your own first. If your insurance jumps up look into other companies...we use pekin and my bike is only 70 a yr full coverage and the zx14 is 300. A yr. So you could do a claim then switch if they raise the rates.
  5. I have also learned here at OR the people are from all walks of life and will help a fellow rider with anything...pets guns bikes jobs etc. So rather than be confused or lost on any subject ask here first some one will help you...and you might be able to help some one else too.
  6. For now I know we are not adding any pets for a while, but I will keep it in mind since they are clean and fun to have. I like to watch them....
  7. I like be able to get opinions from different people and this is the best place everyone here is honest and experianced with all kinds of toys!
  8. Those are awsome! Your future kids could always raise them when you go...lol
  9. Sounds like a good retirement pet. At least your smart enough to wait til you can care for it. To many people jump in because they think it would be cool to own reptiles....good luck and congrats on the new addition!
  10. They are a lot of work but I know he really enjoyed her. I don't remember the breed but she was only about 4 ft and about 3 or 4 yrs old. I got a cat she is easier to care for...lol.
  11. Good to know. My brother had a snake and she did very well but she was very spoiled he would let her out for a bit in his apt. He did a lot of research first and I fed herand helped clean her tank when he was out of town. Its been a long time but I remember I had to watch her temp and the temp of the apt closely. He had to get rid of her when he got married...should of kept the snake.
  12. I thought they slept on heated rocks... must be just snakes
  13. Welcome...if you have the service manual it should have specs for the pads and rotors. Make sure they are not glazed. Also the service and owners manual should have all fluid requirements.
  14. I agree...to much drama and not enough blood...I would like to see some creative killing.
  15. Not very exciting this week either... zombie in the tree was the only creative thing I saw.
  16. Agree it was sad to lose the little fellas.
  17. I had something simular happen in hocking hills. I was told that sometimes with film the film itself can cause some strange things. This I am guessing is digital. I do not believe in gost so I go the reasonable route of could of been a million other things.
  18. They are cute! We had lizards as kids but they never lived long.
  19. Crazyskullcrusher...This is why I do carry...sorry for your loss. There are no other words....
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