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Posts posted by snot

  1. On 1/16/2017 at 11:28 AM, Isaac's Papa said:

    I'll listen to arguments made by those who've not shopped at a Walmart inside of one year. 


    Go ahead. I'll wait....

    Just once with the corporate card because my boss made me.... 

  2. 6 minutes ago, jporter12 said:

    I dislike the above 2 posts.  Almost a month ago, I went to Wendy's for lunch, slipped on the ice and fucked up my hand, the one that was almost healed from carpal tunnel surgery.

    So, I combined both of those posts with my real life pain.

    I didn't like the fall either.

    Hopefully you didn't do any damage to the hand.

  3. It's winter...

    School starts next week....

    I cleaned the dryer the other day, took 2 hours!...

    Think I will make waffles this weekend....

    I am off monday, I should do something productive....

    ....I slipped on the ice yesterday... Thankfully the ground broke my fall...oh, and being close to the ground shortened the distance... 

    ...end of my random thoughts....



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