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Posts posted by snot

  1. Wait... Isn't she on short term disability or have FMLA? 

    I would think for 6 weeks she wouldn't be able to work anyway. 

    @redkow97 may know more about labor laws that deal with this.


    I will keep you both in my prayers.

  2. Yes, we ride. 

    However, group rides have rules depending on who organized it. No asshats, no stunts, no bs, etc...

    If you want to join a ride you may want to watch your manners so you will be welcomed.

  3. 10 hours ago, NinjaDoc said:

    I was with them, prolly camera running at that time 



    and I want to apologize to the groups, I was filtering in out, making sudden stops pull over etc, I never ever do it in real ride. This was all for the sake to get some video different views and riders etc. 

    In our group, I tell Hellmutt what you are doing. So, no worries. I think everyone else knows you do this for the sake of footage.

  4. Back in the kitchen by 8PM... 

    Had a great time and I was glad to see so many came out to ride.

    Any idea how many showed? I know the mach retard group left when we rolled in. 

    Our group had a total of 9 different riders (counting Doc), one jumped in then out during the ride.

    Guessing it was 24 total...

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