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Posts posted by snot

  1. funny... I feel this way every time I get a new boss. Just when I don't think they can get any "worst" they do.

    3 in one year... got a new boss today.... fucked up how it went down but 3 in one year at one place is a new high.

    Motorcycles are for those that don't feel adequate between the legs

    I am a girl I like big things that vibrate and go fast between my legs... not inadequate just not equipped.
    • Upvote 1
  2. Had my first call with one of my clients....people warned me this client was "not a good one" and "they burn through people".  


    I thought they were blowing things out of proportion, until I felt this new level of Hostile.  I have not felt that kind of angst and pure combativeness since I spoke to my ex-wife(more than a decade ago).


    These people make my former boss at CSCC(an angry little Frenchman) look like a kindergarten teacher.


    I sincerely hope I can get this workload and jobsite under control.

    funny... I feel this way every time I get a new boss. Just when I don't think they can get any "worst" they do.

  3. It sucks the biggest chubby?


    Unrelated: Today has been a hell of a day.

    nothing on OR is related... except maybe this thread.... it is random.

    school starts next Wed. time for chemistry....need to learn what chemicals to cook vs clean with...kitchen stuff.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 account for most of us might be misleading. We have three, but all three are ours. Both our paychecks go into one...auto xfer to savings and another checking. Second checking is home taxes and insurance. Savings is obvious..the first account is for everything else. So our day to day living expenses and hobbies come out of that one joint account.

    close to what we do too.

  5. "More private" = we're going to shake the rafters. LOL!!!!!

    hopefully this time it won't be because we are taking off wet leathers and they are stuck like glue...

    Yeah, we can get a little rowdy sometimes :D

    this requires out of kitchen....

    Thanks for the tip Bad. If I can't get our usual bunkmates to go along on a larger cabin, I'll look into that.

    let's not get confused....or look to deep into this comment...We may start screening new applicants if none of our familiar friends come along. Again,do not look to deep into this!
  6. I had my last surgery finally. I've been feeling very negative about life and everything lately.  I'll never work again.  I'll never drive/ride again.  Not sure where life goes from here.  


    I got a couple pictures from the state patrol I'll try to figure out how to post them

    There is a member (Bkizz) that has an inspiring story involving a Shoei. This was all before my time here. Please find the strength to carry on. Read his stories, they might help you too.



  7. ^ I see room for a track bike or 2...j/k

    oh and 6 tires have been given new homes...2 more need mounted on rims and one will be sold with 2 sets of rims for more room.

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