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Posts posted by snot

  1. last epic ride my gear took over week to dry. Gap trip it took 3 days to dry, my leathers have taken a beating this year. I cleaned them and conditioned after both rides, but they may need help from BB in Ky., they don't feel like they did before.

    oh, I am a girl so I am allowed to cry about the weather. It will ruin my hair...

  2. Very well marked, huge sign in your windshield as you pull in.

    To be clear, she told the people that track parking passes she did it on purpose.

    formal complaint, since she admitted to intentionally violating company policy she should be given time off.
    • Upvote 1
  3. Drugs ARE bad. But pot isn't a drug, it's a positive mood enhancement herb.

    The weather reports have been looking grimmer by the day - but it could still change for the better.

    If the ride gets moved to Sunday, the wife and I must bow out, prior engagement. Also, if the conditions Saturday dont improve from where they're projected now....think we'll bow out then as well. We had enough wet riding on Mays Epic Ride, and our Gap trip in June, to last through next season.

    Fingers are still crossed for now though

    I have had enough rain for the next 3 seasons...

    I am hoping the weather is good, I would like to get another good long ride in this season.

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