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Posts posted by snot

  1. Normally I wouldn't say this but Hellmutt has been rather mean to me lately. So I am suspending the man club rules.

    He may control 100 percent of the kitchen passes in the house but you control 100 percent of the vaginas in the house. You have the power here.

    he has the key to the shackles....:D

  2. Lmao....snot is killn me w her kitchen comments......love it! You def have ur hands full hellmut....remind me that her and my wife are never allowed to hang out or we would never have a chance of survival....they would feed off each other......lol

    it's really difficult to earn out of kitchen passes...

    Grill is outside = kitchen, Sweeping on a ride = kitchen,

    if a task is done in the kitchen then performed elsewhere, then I must be in the kitchen, right?

    So, if I make a fire I am also still in the kitchen :D

  3. I gave you motorcycle boots and this is how you repay me? :nono:


    sorry, I still owe you a beer.... the gap trips made me jealous and you are not going on the epic ride.

    That must be it. Gotta get back to post whoring lol.

    For real though I'm just short on time with working both jobs and I went back to school full time because there's a job coming open next July that is almost on lock for me if I graduate in June so free time is at a premium. I'll try harder.

    no excuses. I go to school, work, make sammiches, go on epic rides and still find time to post...

    put down the sketty and get out of the jello filled tub...post whore more.

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