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Everything posted by snot

  1. snot

    No more Indy MotoGP?

    Sucks!! Glad we went the last few years.
  2. last epic ride my gear took over week to dry. Gap trip it took 3 days to dry, my leathers have taken a beating this year. I cleaned them and conditioned after both rides, but they may need help from BB in Ky., they don't feel like they did before. oh, I am a girl so I am allowed to cry about the weather. It will ruin my hair...
  3. Still need to find out who let her out of the kitchen, that is the true source of the issue. Find out where she lives and park in her driveway...
  4. I am always checking my change too.
  5. formal complaint, since she admitted to intentionally violating company policy she should be given time off.
  6. why is she out of the kitchen! I would ask her to turn in her oven mittens. I'd remind her she is violating policy, and warn her if it continues you will take action. Then set her home page to the cooking website.
  7. I have had enough rain for the next 3 seasons... I am hoping the weather is good, I would like to get another good long ride in this season.
  8. why are you moving? new job or closer to work? Good luck with sale and move. I visit Eastlake a few times a year. One of these days I need to have a meet up there while I am in town.
  9. lol...or just the ones with jelly, he hates those.
  10. it's really difficult to earn out of kitchen passes... Grill is outside = kitchen, Sweeping on a ride = kitchen, if a task is done in the kitchen then performed elsewhere, then I must be in the kitchen, right? So, if I make a fire I am also still in the kitchen
  11. I have room in the garage for the bike and a tent for you...I also have a fire pit to keep you warm. if it gets real cold we can put you in the basement... we have lots of boxes to chose from. oh, I will even serve lasagna after I take the bike for a quick spin..
  12. mine needs done, but I would like to upgrade the suspension first.
  13. Rode with hellmutt my dad today...1st time with dad.
  14. your whole world was turned upside down...
  15. Homework done for the weekend! Now, back to sammich making.
  16. that is creepy, and odd. I suspect there is more to this than what they are letting out.
  17. this would of been perfect, to bad we didn't have the funds.
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