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Posts posted by snot

  1. Keep the same route and meet spot, this keeps us from getting lost :)

    Dates, off the top of my head... May 9, 16, 23 June 13, 20

    This a voids the Dragon weekend and graduation for our kid. We are out on May 30 and June 27.

    This is only an option I am throwing out there...

  2. I will be doing some, just have to wait for range. The range I use cant be used right now thats why Ive been quiet about classes lately. Can use it again in spring. If anyone has a group wanting a class and you have a place to shoot I will glady bring the class to you for a flat rate and you can divide that fee evenly around your group or add some to make yours free for hosting.

    Come to Piqua, hellmutt takes you to the range...you do hellmutts training w/certificate, I cook lasagna and apple pie.

  3. Yes it's 8 hrs. Yes you can take an 8 hr class now.

    You will have to wait to turn in your certificate though until it is actually in effect. Approximately 90 days.

    Group OR class anytime soon? And $$?

    I got mine, another member is shopping for a good instructor.

  4. Date is 2/28/15

    This is for our annual meet, our group gets smaller every year :(. This is also a fair well to Tigerpaw, he is deploying in the spring and I want us to send him off right.http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/105884-my-last-oh-riding-season/

    I would like to see more there.

    We will have a ride this spring but that's another thread.

    Hellmutt has a show on either 3/13 or 3/14 at Little York tavern in Troy. It will also be his Birthday on Friday the 13th.... His name is Jason too.

    So, anyone wanting to venture to the 2nd LYT location for the show is welcome... details later.

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  5. As a girl, I hope I don't hesitate to protect my life or my families. I think it is difficult to give anyone reasonable doubt, whether they mean physical harm.

    I am seriously considering martial arts (my brother is a teacher in American jujutsu). I think this would give me another option other than immediate deadly force.

    But if faced with a gun I think you are left no other options than to assume they mean physical harm.

    *** this is only my opinion right now, it is subject to change and not be used by others***

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