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Posts posted by snot

  1. Butters sorry for neg rep... my phone is acting strange and when I scrolled up i hit the red button..


    The only answer I can give you is, my family (all of it) are Christian faith. Yes we grew up with it but at one point my family was Catholic (late 1800s converted). Some people change faith and some find it. The majority of believers are Christian its not an accident.

  2. I know where I stand. Well, that's not how I meant it.

    Usually if someone wants to disprove something they learn about it. From my understanding everyone who has tried to disprove God or the bible became believers. My hope is that the statement make people a little curious.

  3. God test us, so ringing the bell for 10 yrs with no answer does not mean that the house is vacant. I am a believer, I know he can save and help us. I don't believe because it is how I was raised, I believe because he save me.

    Look at it this way if all the Christians are wrong so be it, we die and thats it. But if all the Christians are right about the end where will you stand?

    As for the OP, yes praying does help (you and them). Even if they die, it depends on what is best not just for you but for them, too. I prayed for my grandmother to stop suffering. I wanted her to heal, but it was not going to happen.

    The best way to get the answer is to read the book

    Just my .02

  4. Got a bill today from the dds for the kid, it was for a cleaning and x-rays from 9-8, she hasn't seen the dds in 6 months because they CANCELLED THE APPT!

    I was running late for class after work, had to run home and get my stuff.

    Our cat shits outside sometimes, its been a while but it has also rained. I stepped in it with BOTH shoes get it all over the car mat too.

    $2 at the carwash and it was all clean.:rolleyes: of course it was after class.

  5. What I got from this thread...big foot is a hairy Amish woman that strips in front if a church.

    If the church really wanted the club gone they would help the girls get out of it. most girls strip because lack of education and a need for money now. There is a group of women in Dayton that do this, they offer support, education, housing etc. It was started by ex-strippers.

  6. I just hate who I work for. I like the job but I locked my last job and also hated who I worked with the last few years. Grass was not greener and the stress is not worth it. I am going to school so, once our kid graduates and I am done with my chemistry classes I can get out of the horrible work environment.

  7. I believe this Epic Ride is already close to maximum capacity for fun and folks. It's "this close" to becoming unmanageable. I know that I would steer clear of any large crowds and gatherings, but I'm hardly one to use as a benchmark. When I would go on the OR Gap trips, I would leave the cabin early and come back late... and just sit on the porch and think about the next day's ride. I didn't hang out with the party crowd, because that's not my thing. Folks were having wicked fun, though. Lots of stories and memories were made every night.

    My proposal would be to keep the Epic Ride as is, and create a new event. That way, you're less likely to discourage riders like myself and Tpoppa and you'll open the door for riders that enjoy spending time with their families. Don't get me wrong, I love my wife and son, and I love spending time with them. However, last Saturday was my first "vacation" in a long time. I was lucky to get away for the day and Lyndse was kind enough to cover my shift at home. That doesn't happen with any regularity, so 500 mile days are my way of blowing off steam. The Epic Ride isn't something that would usually interest me, but the few I've attended have been quite enjoyable.

    I've put less than 1500 miles on my Multistrada this season.. and 1000 of those miles were on both Epic Rides. Don't take that away from me, man. That's just mean. :(

    Fuq I meant to + rep not - rep.. some one please add rep for me. My phone sucks!

    I added rep to all your post on the thread :D

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