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Posts posted by accel_is_my_drug

  1. I do miss my VFR, butI picked up the FZ1 last night... I'll go through it this weekend, and check everything out, and be riding soon..

    Found out it has a gear indicator on it, that was a nice surprise... needs to be calibrated though...

    Pictures coming soon..

  2. My deal on the last two bikes I was looking at fell through. I'm back to square one and looking again. I don't think I acted fast enough....

    I am replacing my 1997 VFR750, which was nearly perfect, but I am hoping for something with a bit more power, and perhaps a little more sporty handling.

    I wouldn't mind sticking on a Honda, they have always been good to me, but I am open to nearly anything else.

    I would like to have:

    Cost around $4500, +/- $500.

    Fuel Injection preferred

    lower miles the better.

    Any ideas? Help!

  3. I know....

    I just can't decide....... I know the FZ1 is a smarter purchase, but I'm afraid I would regret it over the RC51. Even if the RC51 is super uncomfortable, I don't think I'd ever regret getting the bike, and it probably has a better resale value...

  4. ARGHHH!!

    I thought I was decided on a newer FZ1 to replace my old VFR when all of a sudden a mint RC51 appeared that a friend is trying to sell. he wants a bit much for it, but I have always wanted one.

    I was all set to pick up the FZ1, and I still think it is the more practical purchase, but the RC51 is so drop dead sexy, I'm having second thoughts.

    I don't really take long touring rides anymore, and for the most part would take the long way to work on back roads and the occasional weekend trip to 555 or something like that. The old half of me thinks an upright naked FZ1 would be fast enough to be fun, and comfortable enough to enjoy riding daily. But the RC51 is so drop dead sexy, I just can't resist....

    What would you get, an FZ1 or spend mroe than you originally wanted to and get the RC51?

  5. I think a wankel rotary powered bike would be awesome. I think at one time Norton was playing with this idea.... seems to make sense to me... an engine as smooth as a sewing machine would be sweet..

  6. Oh My God I want that Aprilia Tuono RV4 so freaking bad it hurts! I would pipe bomb a arctic beach full of baby seals and grade school aged orphaned children to have one!

    Aprilia hasa a kit to convert the Belt drive cams to gear train driven. SO MUCH WANT!!!

    Some day, I will have one....... some day.......

  7. Technically speaking the bastard love child of an I4 and V2 is the best engine configuration. There is nothing better than a V4!

    I miss my old VFR quite dearly, with that being said, my next bike will be a FZ1.

    Not exactly sure why yet....

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