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Posts posted by accel_is_my_drug

  1. All my guns at much higher than he can reach.


    Things called ladders and chairs exist.. they help you reach tall objects. Be careful, put them in a locked safe, and install trigger locks. Lock the ammo somewhere else.


    One accident is all it takes to lose a child. There are entirely too many stories of children shooting sibling accidentally. The sad part is, these are 100% preventable..

  2. Kill them all. Take their ID. Kill all their family. Kill all their friends. Kill their neighbors. Kill all the witnesses. Kill Kill Kill...


    Or scream like a little girl...


    Definitely one of the two.


    Seriously though, In college my place was broken into. While creeping through the house they knocked crap off a shelf and startled my dog. Hendog was a mildly obese old rottweiler. He bit down hard on this guys calf and started shaking it back and forth as hard as he could. (when we would play in the back yard, he could shake hard and fast enough to make a wet towel 'crack'... old but still pretty strong.) I ran into the room, thinking the dog is fucking up the furniture for no particular reason, and was a little frightened to see a guy in my house. So I kicked him in the head a few times. By this point we were making quite a bit of noise and my roommate came running into the room. For some reason she stared screaming "stop it". Right then I realized the guy my dog was mauling, and who I was kicking in the head was her drunk boyfriend. WHoops. He needed a bunch of stitches in his leg and had a huge black eye. However, he was a huge douchebag, so no harm done.


    The worst thing, that night was when I realized my dog had glacoma and was losing his eyesight. It was pretty sad. He was an amazing dog. RIP hendrix



    As far as the power, that article makes it confusing.


    The car made 473/459 at the tire on the motor on a stock ls2 longblock. The heads have been worked over a bit, and more bolt ons are on the car putting it right on the 500 mark now. As far as the nitrous, i still have not even driven the car on spray.



    That's better.



  4. TO quote Mr. Charlton Heston : "So, as we set out this year to defeat the divisive forces that would take freedom away, I want to say those fighting words for everyone within the sound of my voice to hear and to heed, and especially for you, Mr. Gore (Obama) : '"I Will Give Up My Gun when you take it From my cold, dead hands"
  5. You catch more flies with honey then you do vinegar...


    always be nice, and most of the time they will be nice back..


    My brother and I were pulled over a few months ago while we were doing a few WOT pulls on a fresh motor in his stealth RT. I was driving and he was watching the laptop. The radar detector went full blast for laser, and we get pulled over.

    The cop walked up to my window and asked if we knew how fast we were going and he said laser hit me at 86mph. I said, and I quote ' "really? that's all, I think I was closer to 90, sir, I was definitely speeding, I'm sorry, we just got this car running again and perhaps we were a little too excited to drive it again..."


    The cop stood at my window with the most blank expression on his face for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually he spoke and he said I have never in his career had anyone tell me i low-balled them on the speed before, and i think he said he was a 15 year veteran (hwy patrol)


    He thanked me for my honesty, asked when my last ticket was (over 2 years) and grabbed my ID and papers.

    A few min later he walked back to the car, and gave me a warning, no ticket at all.


    I'm pretty sure only because I am just so damn charming and polite...

  6. In stock trim they are pretty impressive for an n/a 4 banger. Although i wouldnt call them king. I know shortly after the chevy ecotec came out, chevy kept modding one until it blew. If i remember right it was making somewhere north of 600 with stock internals.


    Im going to go search right now, but some guy outside madison WI has a pontiac soltice, with way too much boost, (Claimed to be stock internals wit h a GT35 of somesort) that had 630hp at the rear wheels..

    it was really fucking quick!


    too bad it still looked like a sorority chics ride..

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