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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Ringo

    7/30 555 ride

    Going to be meeting at the BP on 70 just outside of columbus at 9:30 am. (Will post exact exit when i get it). Should be atleast 6 of us from my local group. Wont be poodling but we will always wait for riders at every road change, there is no need for anyone to get injured not riding their OWN ride. This ride includes a stop for lunch at a fairly nice place to eat at lunchtime. It will be an all day ride, last time we ended up getting home around 9:30pm. Last time it was 600 miles will probably do the same route. I just named it 555 ride because that is the "big" road. We make it all the way down to kentucky, we dont go into kentucky though so dont worry about bringing your passport. lol.
  2. If he isnt thrown in jail then i have no idea why we have laws.
  3. Ill be there, but not camping, ill be helping out with the honda pavillion probably and the ICOA tent in the infield.
  4. Ringo

    555 Ride

    ? Really ? Ridden with you and been chill and you post something...
  5. Ringo

    555 Ride

    First clue was that i posted:). Jk really dont wanna start another flame thread just wanna ride.
  6. Ringo

    555 Ride

    shutup lol
  7. Ringo

    555 Ride

    i said i was gonna be less active lol, and i got banned for something everyone does. But whatever idc i just wanna ride.
  8. Ringo

    555 Ride

    Back on the bird this upcomming week, had some lady pull out in front of me wrecked the bike. Wondering if anyone from here wants to come down around southern ohio, im going with a few others from my local group, were all pretty quick paced riders because weve done 555 quite a few times but anyone that wants to come can come, just ride your own ride.
  9. If the guy was trying to use a tire iron i doubt he would succeed. All you have to do is block it once and take it Id be more worried about a bat, i feel like he would have alot less leverage with a tire iron. +The rider had full gear on i think...
  10. They do it in trucks at the drag strip
  11. The cbr is very comfortable if your talking about the blackbird. I ride mine with the stock bars and its comfortable and they make a different set of bars for an even more setup. First time i road the bike was on a 9 hour ride on a friends blackbird with the "comfy" bars and it was no stress or aches.
  12. And moj i appreciate the offer that is very kind but i am just not willing to do that i dont want the dog to go to someone who is not willing to pay for exactly the same reason when i used to adopt cats with a lady who went and rescued them we would make sure the person is financially capable. Carwhore you say you have lost so much money on stuff and tell me that i have to let the dog go for free or someone else has to pay me for you to have it. If money was not such a big issue to you and you wanted the dog you would have just said heres 3 hundred and then i may have been confident in letting you have her. But anyone involved in this thread just isnt worthy of the dog. Sorry.
  13. When i posted this thread within about 2 minutes i had a message with someone willing to pay because they understand how that will prove they can take care of the dog correctly and wants the stuff. He has a big yard and frequents a country home. I wont name names because he also doesnt like getting involved. And im sure its because im always wrong and never say anything nice, and infact its not the reason that no matter what i say it is taken negativly and pounced on. Carry on posting though because i know none of you have anything positive to say.
  14. cant believe how immature all of you are this is beyond ridiculous. Anything i post, good or bad is looked upon negativly. The only people i have actually talked to here are the people ive met in person and they are geniune good guys. But they all dont post because of the atmosphere. I wonder why that is... i am riding more than im spending on this forum. Im done posting at all really unless its for rides there is no real point. Im sure after this post someone will quote it and say something stupid and most of you will take the bandwagon route and make yourself look like an idiot. But do it because it will make your e-penis seem cooler. All i know is most of you are actually good guys in person so maybe you just need to cool your jets online. I havent said anything negative in a while and you all need to get over that.
  15. Drama drama drama drama drama
  16. Shes good off leash with other dogs around though And she responds to her name.
  17. Ringo

    My wife :(

    If he doesnt get an infraction for this. Its bullshit.
  18. Im gonna keep the dog. Due to you guys making me feel like a complete asshole. Anyone got any tips for training her to stay with me off leash outside? Leashes and cages suck...
  19. You know alot about dogs.
  20. If someone is that immature then so be it.
  21. You know what i meant...
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