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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. cant press charges cause the rider passedon double yellow. But you could have beat the rednecks ass. Full leathers and a helmet can take 1 hit from a tire iron then beat his ass with it. Steal his quad and pawn it for the court bills.
  2. Ill go 300 if the person can prove to me they have what it takes to give her a better life than she has with me... and im out of pm's so text me if your interested. 6142708617. Please refrain from posting here about anything else i realize i am a catalyst for wars but if this keeps up i dont want to be responsible for WWIII
  3. Size-wise they are not as big feeling as a busa, to me they feel more like a zx-10. You can get them pretty cheap too, they have really nuetral steering and are a very comfortable bike, my friends call mine the couch . I could do a long ride with her, or keep up with the fast guys, mine is now a tooth down in the front and it runs like a raped ape. It is a big bike but handles way better than a busa or a zx14. Honda knows there shit.
  4. Just stop posting drama here if anyone is actually interested in the dog pm me. Im sick of cybernet battles.
  5. Actually ill do one better if money is no issue someone give me 900 bucks and then let the dog go to a good home? Oh wait no you guys wont because money is an issue...
  6. If i was trying to sell a dog i would through her on ebay and sell to the highest bidder. I posted here because you guys seem to be mature, and like animals... Im guessing i was wrong. Id like to see you guys piss away 1000 dollars.
  7. Negative rep for trying to find a dog a better home...
  8. I got her from a lady who gets them from the shelters and she said she had to pay 500 to get her out... wtf... 75-125 i wouldnt mind donating...
  9. im willing to give her to a family if there a better fit but im not gonna become a charity... so im willing to give them the dog for some return on all the things ive purchased for her so they have to pay a fraction of the cost. I could give the dog away and sell all the stuff with her seperatly... but then the family has to spend the money anyway atleast this way i can guarentee that she is going to find a good home and have all the things she has had. Pissing away 500 dollars is bad enough for my karma bank. You guys can all think im an asswhole but i know i did something right from the bottom of my heart and saved her. Give me shit all you want i dont mind.
  10. You guys are all sorely mistaken. I am trying to make a mature deicison and you are calling it immaturity. I am a 19 year old college student, own my own house, run my own business and just dont have enough time that is needed for the dog. I can make the time and i am but i think she would be more happy with a big fenced in yard and a family to love her. Im one person... Idk how you guys can mistake this for being imature and not making the right decision. The family that had her brought her to a shelter in zanesville moved away and left her in a box she was in the shelter for 2 months and they were going to put her down. So i got her so such a beautiful dog wasnt put down. I ended up liking her and liked spending time with her and enjoy her company. If need be i will continue to make time for her. But i know she could be better with a family so she could recieve even more love.
  11. ...I adopted her because i didnt want her to die... What do you guys not understand about this? Should i have let her die? I am an animal lover too and that is why i made this decision.
  12. I adopted her because if i didnt she was going to be put down the next day, if you want to give someone shit call up the stupid place she was it dont give me a shit. I am trying my very best i do not need shit from you guys.
  13. You guys are fucking assholes. I do love her for fuck sake. I just want her to have a bigger field to run in, i have a nice house and a pretty big yard i take her out almost all day and take her to dog night at the park atleast 4 times a week. Im not trying to ditch responsiblity i just want her to have the best life she can have. You think this is easy for me ?
  14. Well ive had her a few months now, but since i have school and work and i ride all the time, i want to put it out there too see if anyone with a farm or a big yard wants her... I love her but i feel bad havin her in a cage at all. I paid 500 dollars for her bought a big crate, bought an underground founce (not installed). Shes a full bread husky and she is a good dog but if anyone wants her ill give you everything with her for like what 400 bucks? I just wanna get some of the money back i mean ive spent like 900 bucks on all her crap lol. Please dont respond to this unless you actually have time and space. Ill keep her if noone wants her but im sick of getting calls from people that want to breed . Thats the first question i get, is she fixeD? then CLICK. She is fixed and she is 9 months old. Name is sky. Im willing to keep her and try my best i just want her to have room a field to run in.
  15. This is why having pets is so hard. Id say just let him relax and let him decide... Sounds weird but i just feel like getting him a comfy bed and cheapest pain pills you can find, dogs just kinda know.. My experience anyway.
  16. Beastie is slow. We ride ERRY NIGHT. Just have to wait 5 mins down the road for beastie.
  17. 10 grand is cheap. Going rate was at least 185,000 last time i checked...
  18. how do you get that baddly hurt at 25mph. Shit if you jump off youd get less hurt. Reaffirms my thought that a harley is just a big vibrator.
  19. Ringo

    carry in bars?

    Next law to change. Nudity and drinking
  20. Dont go from honda to anything else youll be disapointed
  21. didnt realize this was e-harmony...
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukze-LMoI5c&feature=fvst
  23. And her panties are moist because she doesnt get fucked by the snarky fucktards.
  24. How about just a day ralley? Like lunch and dinner ? And rides.
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