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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. LOL "it doesnt work that well but it is great for raves." WIN!
  2. Ringo

    Found 1.85$

    If i said that it would be funny, tbutera spends his entire life hiding behind a computer because hes a fat ugly lowlife. Least i am actually out riding, 1500 miles in the last week and a half. Im bored and i post here to start a riot and it works everytime. Maybe if you were grown up like you claim i need to do. You wouldnt post on this thread. But because you are not mature you post here and it fuels my fire.
  3. Ringo

    Found 1.85$

    Lol is the fat fuck mad that he spent 10 dollars on ammo and not saving for a bike. And my bike will do 193... idiot.
  4. Ringo


    I wear full leathers and gloves and a helmet and still get called a squid lol
  5. Ringo

    Found 1.85$

    Found a dollar and eight five cents with a group last night on 270.
  6. Anyone interested? I went last week and was racing some bmw RR, was a blast. LEt me know if anyone is interested, its 15 dollars now for the whole night.
  7. Ringo

    Ride 5/11

    I pulled in just as you left habi i saw you leave.
  8. Ringo

    Monday Nights

    lol spelling , they have parking already talked to him about that.
  9. What? Lol Tax Feeders= People that feed off of the taxes that everyone else pays.
  10. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    Maybeeee. If i can get her to lay on top of me somehow while riding. that would be interesting.
  11. Ringo

    I'm rich!

    The morons are getting smarter in both ways. Card companies now call and say hello this is visa/mastercard we are calling about a suspicious charge of blank dollars to your card. Could you please verify with your full social. As soon as that is said its bullshit thats why they ask for the last 4 now adays. And some of the cons involve asking for the card number to verify the account. BABABABABULLSHIT
  12. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    text me brah... 6142708617 i will most likely have a passanger tonight though
  13. Ringo

    Ride 5/11

    I may head over to quaker at 630 7 ish
  14. Ringo


    should get a zx6r cause your name lol
  15. Ringo

    Monday Nights

    I post about getting a group together and the only thing that comes from it is a bunch of crap.. and i really dont care about my post count... ive spent more time riding in the past week then i have spent on the forums.
  16. Some salesman know what there talking about, its the ones that dont care about there jobs that dont bother to do research. Minimal water is the last of your problems typically, it just means you have to clean it more and maintain it more. You can have 10 fish in a 5 gallon tank but you gotta clean it once a week at least otherwise the fish wont last.
  17. 10 gallons per goldfish is PLENTY, a 20 gallon tank is fine for a school of fish. . If they were 28 cents a fish then you got feeder goldfish and they arent true goldfish lol. True gold's will grow to about 3-4 inches long and they are the dirty ones. Let me guess the tank you got them from had about a thousand in there? I wouldnt expect the fish to last any longer than 3 weeks. I hate when i used to have parents come in when i worked at the petstore and say they didnt want to spend the extra dollar per fish. Its a heart break waiting to happen. If i was you id scrap the feeders get a 20 gallon tank and get 4 real goldfish , before the kid notices lol
  18. You can go to the isle of mann website they stream live footage.
  19. Ringo

    Monday Nights

    Doesnt anyone just want to go out meet up look at the bikes and then go on a ride... we dont have to drink i just thought it could be an option i can talk to him about free soda and shit too...
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