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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Can list more as you want.
  2. I dont get this squid thing, calling someone a squid. Is like saying. You have a sport bike... Why would you buy a sport bike? Oh yea because its comfortable. I guess i understand when a non-sport bike rider says it cause you guys dont like em. But when i see some guy on a r1 calling someone on an r6 a squid it throws me for a loop.
  3. 1. Stella Artois 2. Dark Horse (The Elevator) 3. Guiness
  4. I love how i end the conversation by saying its all opinion and you say something else to try and get your last word in. You win . Doesnt change my life any. CleaveTheGreat = 1 Ringo = 0 Lol i dont give a fuck.
  5. Heineken is an acquired taste, 50 like it 50 think it tastes like skunk piss lol. Also matters of whether or not its in a bottle or a glass. Try it in a glass
  6. Bring it out. Its run what ya brung.
  7. Ive been stating facts... I havent been bragging about vast knowledge. Ive been involved with a bar my whole life... I know there is a whole other level of high quality beers above the level of coors light and bud light and all that crap. Alot of people think it goes natty light - heineken or stella. But im not gonna turn this into a shit storm. I hate forum drama. So lets end it... id drink ying if it was presented to me over bad beers but it is not the best beer. Nor one of my personal favorites. We are all entitled to our own opinion.
  8. This isnt really the funny part lol, i typed in clown rape in google and got a picture of sarah palin
  9. I guess i should rephrase my statement about the beer though. Im not saying its shit, alot of people like it but if you actually know beer it is not a top quality beer.
  10. He might still come his bike isnt too bad, he layed it down it didnt flip. Luckily. We werent with him though idk how the wreck was we saw him after.
  11. ... In holland if you can reach the bar you can drink, the drinking age was 16 but i am not exactly small so i could pass, also there is no ID cards until you are 18 and take your drivers license test. Unless you have your school id but noone carries them really. Also, My grandparents own their own pub just outside the horam in england. And im almost 20. Sorry almost 8 years lol, and just because its a german type of beer doesnt mean it is made there and shipped. Its made over here, just like guiness, if you go have a guiness in ireland you wouldnt even know that it was guiness unless they told you because it is so much better than the guiness over here. So many things go into making bear and environmental effects matter, so beer in germany will never be exactly the same as beer made here. Now for your next line of bullshit that i have to throw out?
  12. He wrecked his bike otw down from cleveland commin to gahana and fucked up his knee. Yesterday it was super fuckin swolen and i wanted to see it today.
  13. If you take 75 i can get em right now, just had to buy fricken brake pads... 140 bucks...
  14. Looks like the weather is actually going to hold. Who all is comming? Text me. 6142708617
  15. I also spent alot of time in europe, and have been drinking for 8 years now, good beers not cheap shit. But anyway. If anyone wants good beers should go down to the elevator and try their dark horse its good shit.
  16. I got the leathers, i need boots and gloves, then i think ill be commin. gonna lockwire the bike tomorrow.
  17. Yea if you dont need a bike. If you need a bike its a great chance to get something that can get you involved, and something with a return.
  18. Should have the money tonight... If my idiot of a roomate isnt bullshitting me.
  19. Where you guys laugh i see the possibility to make some money. He says best offer. Offer him 300 bucks cash , hes an idiot for doing that to his bike so hell sell it for that. Buy a new set of paintwork, clean the fucking thing. (500$) 800 dollar bike. Ride it for a while then sell it for more.
  20. If you still have them when my lazy ass bumb roomates pay me the 700 bucks they owe me ill buy em.
  21. No offence. But imature drinkers drink that shit. Find me one drinker that has actually been drinking for a while and has a taste for beer that likes it. And would pick it in his top 10.
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