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Everything posted by Ringo

  1. Its one of the only things left that feels free.. Thats what i would say.
  2. Ringo

    Monday Nights

    I would hope none of us drink and ride. Bike nights with sport bikes usually arent about getting drunk, just figured itd be cool to meet up have a drink (one) check out the bikes then leave. one beer over 2-3 hours is not what i consider drinking and riding.
  3. Bringing the fire back. Lol i posted a response to all that like 4 pages back, have a look. If you spent 100 dollars on anything with sam and adams in it you sir are not a winner.
  4. Butt and lube in the same sentence and noone is offended.
  5. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    Im down for a ride tonight. Should we all meet at quaker and then ride around after like a bunch of hooligans.
  6. Ringo

    Monday Nights

    Was talking to the owner of sloppy donkey last night, a bar on high street that a couple of us local at. He said that if i can get a decent number of people to ride out we can get spots for like 20-30 bikes and get 1 dollar wells and probably some other specials. Just wondering how many people would be interested. There isnt really any decent bike nights downtown that i know of. I think this would be a good time and we can get good drink specials .
  7. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    text me hutch , 6142708617
  8. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    Not sure yet, any ideas ?
  9. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    Im ridin tonight the weather is perfect lol
  10. Take the exhaust off and while your at it give them a good clean and change your oil.
  11. Whenever i type in "idk" on my phone it types RIDINEOR. Now that is fucking with me...
  12. Completely agree with the after mowing or (breaking a sweat on a hot day). But you would be suprised how many wine snobs cant even tell the difference between white and red wine when they are blindfolded,its hilarious, there was a study on it i need to find it lol.
  13. Ringo


    Whos lookin to ride tonight if it doesnt rain? Anybody?
  14. Really hope that was a joke... Forum=life
  15. Ringo

    Ride Today 5/9

    Running sideways was pretty fun lol.
  16. Ringo


    This place worth a ride ?
  17. Will she let me work in her basement as payment ?
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