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Everything posted by TheBrown57

  1. For the record I work next to Pure Romance. That is all
  2. I hate the media. I come here for my facts more often than not. My thoughts are this: -Stricter enforcement of current laws -Add mental health history to the background check when purchasing a weapon (If not already) That is all I see that needs to happen.
  3. ^^^ It is actually a nice 38 here and I rode with my visor up for a bit. I kept getting this face from all the cars I passed
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2MJX6XQUYA4
  5. Recent conversation with my dad Dad-"It hurts getting in an out of my truck after getting these cortisone shots" Me-"I bet old man haha" Dad-"Old man? Don't forget the only thing between me and you is air and fear!"
  6. A white Christmas is all the snow I want then back to riding weather and NO RAIN!
  7. I hate all the work that piles up after being gone for a week for business
  8. Need to go check this out! I hate Target World
  9. I got my training early this year, just haven't got the license yet I did mine at a place just south of Oxford and loved it. We had 7 people an 1 instructor but the range was 1 person at a time with him watching you like a hawk and giving great advice. If I would have known you were looking to do this I could have recommended him an saved ya a trip all the way to Columbus
  10. This is new to me as well. I feel like it needs adjusted for my weight seeing as the PO was 135-150 and I'm 250. I also don't have any special tools if any even came with it.
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