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Everything posted by saralynn518

  1. In the comment section of the article, someone mentions that what he received was equivalent to two years salary for the average Chinese household. I'd do it right now if I could get 80k. (from comment section) "What you people fail to understand that is really a heartbreaking (not stupid) story. 20,000 RMB is almost 2 years worth of salary for the average Chinese household. Can you imagine what some people would do for ~$80k here in the U.S. in order to survive? I know money is only temporary but please be cognizant of the facts before you blast a possibly impoverished kid for "being stupid"."
  2. This looks like a great thread to be bumped, but I'm hesitant about posting...eh what the hell. 1. My name is already displayed, so that's obvious. I am originally from the Cleveland area (Fairview Park) and moved down here to Columbus a year after graduating from Ohio Wesleyan. 2. I have never been arrested, received a ticket, or been in a car accident. Was in an accident on the motorcycle shortly after getting my license though. I blame the tree. 3. I am pretty outgoing, honest and nice to a fault, and loyal to helping people any way I can even if they have screwed me over. As long as I'm given respect and attention, I can be the most loyal friend you have ever had. 4. Unlike smashweights, I have never dated someone that long. I've never been in love. I have a lot of anxiety and confusion when it comes to dating because I try to see the best in people even if it isn't there. I tend to give too many second and third chances. I'm a glutton for punishment I suppose. Way too much to write about lol. 5. I am a painter and ceramicist. I went to OWU for Fine Arts. I have not painted in about 10 years. I lost my inspiration and drive. I hope I get it back some day, because it was very therapeutic for me. I do dabble in photography. I love taking macro shots even though it can be very challenging with my camera. 6. I love being out in nature. Parks, camping, canoeing, etc. I feel at peace there. I'm a mosquito magnet though! Also, after working at a summer camp for two years, I've developed a bigger fear of spiders. As long as they aren't on me or fast movers, I'm ok...maybe lol. 7. I love my pets and other animals more than most people. 8. I don't like large crowds; I feel overwhelmed. There are usually too many rude people and it drives me bonkers. 9. I love to learn and consider myself a nerd. I have stress related memory issues, so it gets very frustrating for me when I can't recall information. It makes me feel stupid. 10. I am a stickler for clear communication. Sometimes it may come across as bitchy, but I know what works best for me so I don't have to worry. I hate asking people questions and not having them answered. Huge pet peeve. I am a pretty impatient person (although I try to work on that). I can only give someone so many chances to be clear with me until I cut them off completely. Not knowing answers really does drive me nuts. I believe this stems from being used and mislead so many times. I used to go with the flow until I realized how much I was getting shit on that way. It's a defense mechanism now. Wow this is kinda like therapy! I feel a little better now
  3. That's some funny, fucked-up shit right there...
  4. Shhiiiiiit. He's a RO buddy. Do not judge me from the contents of my friend's list lol.
  5. Well, I'm also friends with him, so I was picking on him...
  6. Need good meat put in my spot in Cleveland. Put good meat in my spot.... Need meat in... Sometimes you just make it too easy Magz lol. Can I suggest Lorain Ave. and W. 98? Heard anywhere around the 90's between Lorain and Detroit are nice and skanky. You might want to double bag it though. God I'm glad I don't live in Cleveland anymore.
  7. Please go to the following link http://www.patriotguard.org/ALLForums/tabid/61/forumid/132/postid/1585284/view/topic/Default.aspx for mission updates HOTH - Escort WWII Bataan Survivors, Pittsburgh/Wellsburg, PA, 23, 24 JUN 2011 The PGR has been invited in escorting WWII Veterans who survived the Bataan Death March. Approximately 72000 American and Filipino Soldier were forced to march 70 miles through the jungle and routinely denied food and water. In total some 18000 to 20000 of the POWs died on the Bataan Death March. Our Brave Veterans will go to the Wellsburg Library wich is home to the American Defenders of Batann & Corregor Museum and research Center that includes artifacts, documents and books of this special group that defended our Country. They will also be given the key to the city from the Wellsburg Mayor. We will be escorting these Veterans from the Airport Marriott Hotel in Robinson TWP to Wellsburg Library . We will also have a police escort. Will will be escorting about 50 Veterans per trip . There will be 2 trips per day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The trip will be around 40 minutes from the Hotel to the Library. We will be leaving the Hotel at 8:30hrs (8:30AM). For: Thursday 23 JUNE 2011 Staging Place: Parking lot of Airport Marriott Hotel Robinson Twp 5100 Campbells Run Road Pittsburgh PA 15205 Staging Time: Thursday 23 JUNE 2011 @ 07:30 hrs ( 7:30 AM) For Morning Escort Thursday 23 JUNE 2011 @ 12:00 hrs (12 PM NOON) For Afternoon Escort Your RC for Thursday is Aaron Zeff delta@cobweb.net For: Friday 24 JUNE 2011 Staging Place: Parking lot of Airport Marriott Hotel Robinson Twp 5100 Campbells Run Road Pittsburgh PA 15205 Staging Time : Friday 24 JUNE 2011 @7:30 hrs (7:30 AM) For Morning Escort Friday 24 JUNE 2011 @ 12:00 hrs (12 Pm NOON) For Afternoon Escort Your RC fro Friday is Barry Bioni bbioni@verizon.net Isabelle Jankey PA(west) HOTH Director hjankey2@verizon.net
  8. From first link: "Two of the riders who had been with the group sped away after the crash and passed a Brecksville police officer also going south on the interstate." SERIOUSLY?!?!? They just took off and left them??? This blows my mind. RIP Doug.
  9. I guess the ride is off until I get my bike sorted out. Blake worked on it the other day, but I just took it out (besides around the block) and it's not riding properly. FML.
  10. +1 Jack Hanna crushed my dreams in college. I was majoring in Zoology and had a chance to meet and talk to him. Let's just say I am not too fond of his attitude. Had a friend who worked for the C-bus zoo and she gave some insight into Mr. Hanna's personality as well. Guess he just didn't do well at making the same impressions in person as he seems to on tv.
  11. I don't plan on doing a lot of hiking lol.
  12. Because I am a boring nerd, I have been dying to go to Clear Creek Nature Preserve in Sugar Grove to go take some photographs and hopefully find some interesting wildlife. Tomorrow is supposed to be really nice out. I am not planning on taking on some sort of crazy twisty excursion. I am just looking for a nice ride and then spend some nice time checking out the park. Depending on time, I might take a little ride down in Hocking since it's close by. Lunch/dinner in Logan maybe. Depends if I'm alone, I may just pack lunch. I know I probably won't get any response, but I thought I would throw it out there to anyone who might like to come along. I live near Groveport and hope to take off around 11am. If anybody is interested, we can set up a meeting time and place. http://www.metroparks.net/ParksClearCreek.aspx Since Old Man's Cave isn't too far away, I'd like to head there too.
  13. That's shitty I know you still have to take the "written" part (was that for the temps or license? I don't recall). One thing I did NOT know what that there were questions on the test from the motorcycle manual AND the regular Ohio motorist's manual. I was a bit surprised when I saw questions that weren't even in the book I studied lol. I still passed, but from now on, I tell people to grab both books to look over and not just the motorcycle one.
  14. I'd still recommend a class to someone even if they are a seasoned rider. You don't have to worry about the "test" at the BMV and maybe you'll learn to perfect something you already know. Also, you can make new friends. Or if you're like me, you can start smoking again after having quit for 3.5 years because one of the instructors was pissing you off so much. Only pain about the class is that it takes so long to get into and you may have to take time off work because of the hours.
  15. How'd you wander in on a nerd thread to begin with? Just admit you're nerd-curious Nibbler is the cutest (except when he talks).
  16. "A council report concluded: 'Whilst there were no direct collisions between a motorcycle and a pedal cycle, it is suggested that there must be a causal link given that the only change between the data-sets was the motorcycle experiment." It's a bit hard to have a controlled environment on a city street. Besides, that's like saying there's a cat who lives with a dog - they live in harmony - one day the cat dies - must be the dog's fault. Bullshit. I mean, it's possible and all, but...you sure as hell can't call that an experiment. " ‘The collision data for Ealing’s roads suggests that, whilst the collision rate for motorcycles remained broadly unchanged, the severity of accidents increased and the effect of the experiment on pedal cycles was broadly detrimental.’" Getting slammed by a bus sure would increase the severity of an accident. Wearing no gear on a bicycle, unlike motorcyclists, would pretty much give you no chance. Paging Captain Obvious. They should just give motorcycles their own lane lol. I think it's cool they conducted this "experiment", but they didn't do such a good job from what it looks like.
  17. With any presence of friction, I would believe that it would slow down. The "dark energy" is causing the friction of visible matter against dark matter. Expansion (dark energy against matter) and speed of friction (dark matter against visible matter) are two different things. I guess you can see it as possible introduction of more dark energy causing an increase of expansion giving the appearance of it going faster, but that doesn't mean dark energy as a whole has increased speed. However, since it's an unknown, that could very well be wrong. We've been proven wrong many times before.
  18. With the permit, you are required to wear a helmet, you can not carry a passenger, you must renew yearly, no interstate use, and you can not ride after dark. As far as restrictions in the first year of having the actual license (MC NOVICE), you must wear a helmet and so must any passengers.
  19. What's worse is that I just made fudge brownies and was "testing" them hahahahahahahaha!
  20. Although astronomy, cosmology, or celestial mechanics aren't my main area of interest, I still try to keep up here and there. Personally, I don't think it could ever be narrowed down to one particular reason for missing mass. There are too many factors and the fact we can not see is the main one lol. Maybe in time, but not our lifetime, there may be some more insight into dark energy. If only Einstein had a longer lifespan to work on his idea of cosmological constant theory. I am still getting my feet wet in these areas. My brain can only take in so much information before it starts to hurt lol. I'm going to stop discussing any more on the topic before I start spewing things I don't know much about If you come across any gerontological, biological, disease etiology, zoological, or botanical breakthroughs, feel free to PM me with links!
  21. Since you sound like a science nerd (like myself), have you had a chance to read this article yet? http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/4358/aussie-student-find-missing-mass As far as anti-matter, you're right, it can not be used on its own. It must collide with matter in order to form energy. I think the possibilities of harnessing it for use is somewhat impractical. I do believe that harnessing it is very important to the advancement of technology and understanding our universe and I am very excited to see they are making progress.
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